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I knocked on the door. Relief washed through me as Tory opened after the third knock.

"Samantha," she smiled. She gave me a short hug. "I have barely seen you in three months!"

She was right. The last three months I'd locked myself in my room. I refused to talk to anyone but Holly on the phone. I was just outside when we were performing or having interviews. I got of course a lot of hate, but why should I care?

"I'm here to say goodbye," I said with rusty voice.

"What?" Tory asked with disbelief.

I found a paper piece in my pocket and showed it to her. "I'm taking next plane back to California," I said, my face emotional as I brushed a hand through my hair. "I can't take this anymore. I want my old life back."

Tory hugged me tightly. "Are you sure?" she asked as she still embraced me. 

"Yes," I whispered. "Don't tell the others before I'm back home. I hate goodbyes."

And with that I turned around and walked away with my suit case. As I waled out of te hotel, a tear rolled down my face. I hated it, but it was still what I wanted.


So.. Well, this is actually a goodbye from me! It's the last chapter of this crappy story! Seriously, I hate it! It's boring, lame and it stinks amateur. This is my first fan fiction ever, and when I started to make it, I loved writing it. Now I've realised it really sucks! 

But it's not my last story! I'll make a new one, this time, I'll try not to have so big expectations and try to make it better.

So let's say goodbye to Samantha, Tory and Mark!

~I'm sorry:/

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