Chapter 8

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Louis' P.O.V

I waited for Zayn to answer, but he didn't. I felt relieved when he didn't deny it. I needed to let him know that I was glad that he saw us kissing, because somehow he, Liam and Niall had to find out. Harry wasn't glad at all, though. I tried to explain that this was good, that Zayn seeing us was getting closer to coming completely out, together. Of course, the boys probably knew that me and Harry were gay. Well, we never told them, but it was so obvious, there was no way for them to think that we were straight. Yeah, I had a girlfriend, but they noticed how I was never with her and they knew how controlling management was. They knew that Modest! was able to do anything for people not to notice that we weren't straight. So, it was pretty clear that we were gay and we had something. I didn't even know what was the big deal about it, I'm sure that they already knew, that's why Zayn didn't start yelling at us or something like that, because he probably knew. This was just a confirmation. 

"Let's just not talk about it. You guys do whatever you want with your lifes. It may sound a little bit rude, but I mean it, Lou. If you want to date, then date; you don't need our permission" He said with a grin "There is only one issue, Modest" He added. 

"Yeah" I answered sadly. 

We both drank our coffee quietly. This was what I liked about being with Zayn. We could be together without talking and it wasn't awkward or boring at all. I could be my quiet self with him, and he wouldn't judge him and he wouldn't judge me. 

When we were done eating, we walked out of the Café and headed straight home. I mean, my house. I wasn't planning on going back to Andy's house to see Harry, Andy and Liam probably killing themselves for food. Zayn had agreed on going with me. 

"So..." I started "I saw you and Liam sleeping slash cuddling together last night" I said raising an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes and ignored me. "No, but seriously Zayn. What's going on between you guys?" I asked now curious. Zayn thought about it. 

"I don't know... It's complicated" He sighed. 

"Why?" I asked lamely. Liam and Zayn were best friends, but last night they looked like a little bit more than that. 

"I'm not gay, okay?" He snapped defensively. 

"Wow, that hurt. I'm hurt" I said dramatically. I wasn't serious, though. I never really cared about me being gay, I knew it since I was little, and I didn't have a problem with it. In the end, it is what it is. I knew Harry did care, though. He would have taken that comment personal, and it would have hurt him for real. 

"Yeah, of course you are" Zayn smiled and so did I. 

We got to my flat and I was already planning on going back to bed and watch a movie or something, but as soon as I opened the door I was greeted by a tight hug and a peck on the lips. 

"Hey babe!" Eleanor said cheerfully. I faked a smile and mentally forced Zayn to smile as well. 

"Hi El" I didn't sound cheerful at all, but at least I managed to call her El, and that made her happy. 

"Hey Zayn" She waved awkwardly at Zayn.

"Hey" He said without even looking at her and walked to the kitchen. 

I noticed as Eleanor glared at Zayn as he served himself a glass of water, and I rolled my eyes annoyed. 

"Want water, mate?" He asked looking at me. 

"Sure" I answered and walked to the couch dissapointed that my relaxing plans were thrown by the window as soon as Eleanor appeared from nowhere. 

Eleanor followed me and sat right on top of me. What the hell, girl?! 

"How are you? We haven't talked in ages!" She pouted. 

"I'm good, and, um, we saw eachother last week" I said as she kissed my neck. 

"I know, but I missed you" She pouted again. Did she not notice I was uncomfortable? Did she not know she was not my girlfriend? They were using her! Ugh. 

"Not know, El" I pushed her softly "Zayn's here" I reminded her and she sighed. 

Zayn walked in the living room and handed me the glass of water. Then he sat on the opposite side of the couch.

"I... I should go. Leave you two alone" He said when he finished drinking and stood up. 

"It's okay. I was planning on taking a nap anwyays" I begged for him not to leave.

"I think Liam's waiting for me. It's movie night" 

"It's always movie night for you two!" I complained. Zayn giggled. 

"Well..." He said as he walked to the door "See you tomorrow!" And he left. I sighed and looked at Eleanor who was playing with her hair. 

"I'm a bit tired, I'm gonna take a nap" I announced.

"Coming with you!" She followed me to my room and I just layed on my bed trying to sleep as she rubbed my back. Oh, how I wish that was Harry instead of her. 

Zayn's P.O.V

I knocked on Liam's door hoping that he was there. A few seconds later, he opened the door and smiled wide when he saw me. 

"Hey!" He greeted me and let me in "What are you doing here?" He asked. 

"I was going to chill with Louis, but guess who was waiting for him" I smiled sarcastically.

"So you came to chill with me" 


"Aww, Zayn!" He made a high-pitched tone of voice and started tickling me.

"Let's watch a movie" I offered and we walked to his couch. I took a blanket and covered myself with it. Liam sat next to me and tried to take a part of the blanket but I didn't let him. 

"Hey! Sharing is caring, remember?" He pouted and pulled hard until he had the whole blanket in his hands. 

I threw myself on top of him to take the blanket but he held them strong, I couldn't take them. We both pulled as hard as we could, but we ended up surrending. I was still on top of him, and without thinking about it twice, I pressed my lips against his. He quickly grabbed me by the waist and turned me around. Now he was on top of me kissing me passionately. I slid my tongue through his bottom lip and he let me in. 

After our little make-out session, I put on "The Lord of the Rings III" and we watched it cuddled together, feeling the warmth of each other against our own bodies.

Author's Note/ Two chapters in two days?? Yeah, I'm great. You're very welcome. 

Okay, so I was thinking about it and I don't even know why I called this story 'You Changed Me´ it really has nothing to do with the plot of the story, but yeah, anyways. I know this is going slow, but trust me, drama is about to come, yay! 

VOTE AND COMMENT. This is the living proof that if you read, vote and comment, I update sooner. So don't forget to vote and comment, I don't care how lame the comment may be, I appreciate it. Lol, okay so just DO IT. 

Thanks for reading!!! :)

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