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Thanks so much to @OUATbri_7 for suggesting this chapter. I have never written EvilCharming before, but I tried, hope you all enjoy!

The hospital lights threatened to make Regina's already fair skin paler, burning down as she stared at Dr. Whale, hurt in her eyes.

"Why would you do this?" She screamed, tears filling her eyes, throat wet with mucus, her voice muffled.

"I thought it would work! You wouldn't bring me to my brother, I thought that helping you would convince--"

"Helping me?! You didn't help me! All you did was make me use magic to kill the only man that I've ever loved. That isn't helping me. All that is is cruelty."

"Regina I--"

"Save it Whale, just be glad that I am trying to be good for my son."

She grabbed her purse and carelessly walked out of the office, knocking over a stray stack of papers as she slammed shut the door.

"Regina, Henry is back at the loft, he's doing fine."

Regina whipped her head around to face David, looking as handsome as ever.

"Oh, um, thanks." She nervously pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and pursed her lips.

"Well if you need anything we're at the loft." He nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait, David?"


"Thanks...for earlier."

"You didn't listen," he laughed, "it isn't as if I actually did anything for you."

"No, you saved Henry. And you at least tried to stop me, you cared. No one has done that in a long time."

"Oh, that, it's nothing. I couldn't let you go on a suicide mission without at least trying to talk some sense into you."

"Don't downplay your heroics."

The two erupted into semi-uncomfortable laughter, catching each other's eyes.

"Do you, uh, do you want to come over for dinner tonight?" David asked with a smile.

"Oh I couldn't, Henry wouldn't--"

"I'm sure he'd enjoy your company."

"David, I have so much work, and I just--"

"Regina." He said, placing a hand upon her shoulder, "You are coming."

He held out his arm and Regina took it against every cell of sense in her body.

You can't fall for him Regina she thought to herself he is married, he has a daughter. You'll just get yourself more heartbreak.

"You okay?" David asked as he hopped into the drivers seat of the car.

"Well besides the fact that I am being taken against my will to eat dinner with my adoptive son and my step son in law, yes I am doing terrific."

"I'm not taking you against your will, you know that. If you wanted you could magic yourself out of this truck and end up laying comfortable in your bed watching 'Judge Judy'."

"I could..." Regina started, "Except I've been trying to not use magic."

"Have you now? How long have you been 'magic free?"

"About five hours."

"Whoa! Five hours, this must be some sort of record!"

Regina laughed and pushed David playfully. "I had to use it for Daniel."

"Well, I suppose that's a decent reason."

They pulled into the parking lot.

"So, Charming, what's for dinner?"

"No idea, grilled cheese?"

"Why not?"


"Henry!?" David shouted, "I'm back! I brought someone with me!!"

Henry came running down the stairs from his room, "Hey Gramps. Hi Mom." He smiled band intoned walking to the kitchen where he sat at the bar. "I'm starving."

"Well then I suppose it is as good a time as any to make us some grilled cheeses!"

Everyone smiled and shared light conversation as David equipped himself with a chef's hat and an apron that read kiss the cook.

"Kiss the cook huh?" Regina said playfully, getting a look that meant not here not now, Henry.

"Snow got it for me as a 'the curse is broken and we can be together again' present."

"Is that true?"

"Yes ma'am it is." He picked up a plate and threw a grilled cheese from the stove to it and used the spatula to cut the sandwich in half, "Order up!" He exclaimed, placing the steaming hot food in front of the Queen.

"What, no triangles?" She complained with a smile.

"No, no triangles. If you'd like I can make mini squares."

"I think I'll be okay."


Alright, well I tried.

Let me know what you think, I know it was probably cheesy, but I hope re fluff satisfies.

Let me know if you have any prompts or ideas!!!

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