Part 4/2

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*Shanks' POV*
You searched Shiva everywhere. Ben and Lucky prepared the boar for the meal and know they wanted to know what she want as garnish for the meal. You remembered that she wanted to take a bath to get rid of the smell so you opened the door to her room. Your jaw dropped down to what you were walking in.

Shiva laid on her bed with an exposed upper body and Mihawk was kissing her everywhere. You quickly brought your mind back to earth as anger filled your mind. "Hey! What are you doing with my sister?"

Mihawk's look was murderous. If possible, he'd killed you a few hundred times now. He stood up and walked forwards you while Shiva covered herself with the blanket. He grabbed his clothes and shoved you out of the room, closing the door behind him.

"What do you want?" he asked you. "I want to know what you were doing with Shiva" you barked. "What's wrong with you? First you want me to take care of her and know, after we fell for each other, you want me to stop. Do you know what you are doing to your sister? Those back-and-forth mind changes of you will make her crazy someday" he frowned. You knew he was right. He would never hurt your sister. 'I know but... I don't want her to be dumped. I still have some misgivings of this' you sighed. He was your best friend after all and you couldn't be mad at him for long. He raised an eyebrow at you. "Why should I dump her? For another woman? Oh, please. You should really thing about an analysis of your mind." "You're so rude Mihawk" you replied with a gobsmacked face. Mihawk smirked at your reaction and walked away. "Hey, where are ya' going?" "I'm going to change my clothes. I guess you wanted something from Shiva? Then go in and ask her" he smirked and walked up into his room.

*back to you*
You quickly closed the buttons of your blouse and moved to the fireplace. Mihawk was so gentle. But Shanks had to disturb you again. 'If he just could go away' you whispered sadly. *Cough, Cough* You turned around and faced Shanks. He heard what you said.

"Sh... Shanks... I... ahem..." "So that's what you think of me? I... should go away?" he asked calmly. "It's not what you think..." "Then please tell me. What's wrong with me being here?" he asked and walked closer. "... It's just... You disturb every single moment I can share with him. I want to have some... private time with him you know?" "..." "Shanks, I'm not five anymore!" you merely shrieked out. The look on his face was unreadable. He was fighting with himself. 'I know that you don't want to lose me, Shanks. But I'm not out of the world. I'm here on this island. And believe me, he'll watch over me' you smiled at him. "You know... with that look on your face... you're looking like mother" he said while staring into the fire.

The minutes passed and he suddenly jumped up. "Something wrong?" you asked. "Ah I totally forgot! Shiva what do you want to eat as garnish?" "Eh...?" "Ben told me to ask you. So quick!" he said and panicked a bit. "... Dumplings..." "Ok I got it, see you!" Shanks replied and rushed out of the door. He forgot to close it so you heard as he jangled down the stairs and cursed around. You couldn't help it - he.was.hopeless!

The evening came fast. The smell of fresh grilled boar filled the whole castle and your stomach grumbled. You made your way into the dining room and almost lost your breath. The room was decorated with lots of garlands and paper streamers. 'That must have been Shanks' idea...' you thought and walked over to the armchair. Mihawk was reading a book and surely was surprised when you kissed his cheek. When he kissed you in return, the crew was teasing you with an 'awwww!'. "Get a room you two!" your brother shouted from the other side of the room. "Why? Jealous?" you teased. "You... I... ahem..." was all he said and he earned a roaring laugher from everyone.

The meal was great. You noticed the way Mihawk was looking at you. He had that lustful gleam in his eyes. Your clothes were definately a bit short today. You were wearing a red sleeveless low-cut shirt with frills around the edges (the shirt was giving your breasts a good figure), a dark red frill skirt that reached down to your knees and bloody red high heels. Something that turns every man wild. The tension in the air was getting hotter and hotter with every minute. Suddenly, Shanks made an announcement.

"My beloved crew, I guess it's time now. First of all... we're leaving this island tomorrow in the evening. And second: Shiva will stay here" he said between burps and he surely shocked a few of his followers. "That was so clear" Ben added, making you blush. "Sorry guys. But my journey with you will end here" you said and smiled at them. "Sure... make a few cute baby's and I'll be happy" Shanks slurred. "SHANKS LE ROUX!!" you barked. Everyone was laughing and Mihawk blushed as well. Just the thought of you having children with him let the blush turn into a darker shade of red. "We should leave them alone now" Yasop said and changed the subject. "Firework!" Lucky shouted and placed a huge box on the table. Every year on the New Years Eve they made a firework to enjoy the start of a new year. "Yeah, c'mon! Let's get going!" Shanks shouted and within a few seconds, the dining room was empty... well... almost empty. You and Mihawk were still sitting at the table.

*Mihawk's POV*
"Sure... make a few cute baby's and I'll be happy" your friend slurred. "SHANKS LE ROUX!!" Shiva barked and smacked him again. 'Kids...' you thought. You never thought about kids before. You wanted to be alone... you trusted nobody... until you met her a long time ago. She was old enough now to make her own decision about this subject now. It would be something new for you. Luckily, they changed the subject and went outside to make their firework.

You stared at Shiva. Holy Lord, her clothes were driving you crazy. The minutes passed by and you could hear the firework from the other side of the lake. "Shall we go?" you asked. You surely interrupted her in her deepest thoughts. Your feeling was telling you, that she thought about kids, too. "Eh... huh?" She was obviously confused. "On the balcony, I mean." "Oh... yes" she smiled. She took your hand and you walked with her out on the balcony.

You both watched the firework for about 5 minutes until she interrupted the silence. 'Happy new year, Mihawk' she whispered and entwined her fingers with yours. When you looked down, you met her gaze. 'Happy new year, honey' you replied and made her blush again. 'Honey? You already gave me a pet name, did you?' she asked in a playful way. 'Yes, I did' you replied in the same low voice and caught her hint. She pulled you back into your room, closed the windows and the curtains, and started to give you a fiery kiss.

*Shank's POV*
Your sister was finally a woman now. When you looked up you could see her walking back into the castle with your best friend. She was darkening the room. You knew what they were doing now. That was the time when you noticed, that she's not the little baby anymore, that always cried when you teased her with spiders.

You went inside a few hours later. Ben and Yasop had packed her stuff together and brought it into her room. It was time to leave now. You went into your room and packed your things. When you closed the cords of your bag, you spotted the letter you wrote for her. You strapped your bag and folded the letter for her and walked up into the highest corridor. When you reached the bedroom of your best friend, you could hear muffled moans of both of them. You quickly shoved the letter through the crack of the doors and left the island with your crew.

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