The Contract

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They started fighting and I soon winced in pain for some reason. Death looked down and growled seeing my side glowing. "Fire... you have to stop" said Death, as Fire growled and glared back at him. "You must be joking" said Fire "Water is absorbing her powers" said Death, as Fire's eyes widened and he glared at Water. "You bastard" said Fire, as Water smirked and snapped his fingers, as he did his whole body turned to water that splashed onto the ground. Fire tisked his head and walked over to me. He bent down and I started shaking in fear. "Easy Fire, she's scared" said Death, as Fire growled and I winced when he grabbed my chin. I closed my eyes shut expecting something to happen, but nothing did. I slowly opened my eyes and then they widened when Fire was touching my side that had my mark. I started shaking and then pulled away from him. "Let me go" I said, as he glanced at me. "You want to be marked?" he asked, as I paused and turned my head. "No" I said "Then shut up" he said, as I watched him touch my mark a few more times. "Well?" asked Death, as Fire narrowed his eyes. "He marked her with a knife in fused with water, I can burn it out" he said, as my eyes widened. "Burn?" I asked, as he looked at me. "Relax, its only if you sign the contract" he said, as I paused touching my side. "But first... Dark" said Fire turning to the guy Shrouded in Darkness. "Got it" said Dark, as he snapped his fingers and I paused when the clasps around my neck, hands and ankles fell to the ground. I touched my neck like a thousand times and smiled a bit. "Let's get out of here" said Fire, as the three of them started walking away. I paused slowly getting up and slowly started following. Fire paused glancing at me and then turned around walking up to me. I paused and looked at him a bit scared. My eyes then widened shocked when he lifted me bridal style. I was so shocked I ended up wrapping my arms around his neck.

We ended up in a city, once we were in the city I looked seeing Dark and Death appearance turned human. Death had black hair and eyes and he was wearing all leather. Dark had Dark hair, but blue eyes and he was wearing a blue vest and jeans. Fire's appearance remained the same although he had no fire aura around him. We walked into an elevator and waited till it reached the top floor. We walked out and paused when a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a white frilly dress appeared. "Fire darling your here and... who’s that?" asked the girl glaring at me. "A Client" he said, as she hpmhed. "Seriously Light, your not Fire's type stop trying" said Dark, as she growled more. "Dark, Death, keep guard outside my office" said Fire, as they nodded. I paused when Fire carried me inside his office and closed the door behind him. He sat me in front of a desk and he sat behind a desk. "Alright Ice, I almost have your contract filled out... there is just a few minor things we have to deal out" he said, as I paused. "Oh?" I asked, as he sighed. "Your mark cannot be taken away, it has to be replaced... if I replace it I own you" he said, as I stopped. "So... I can never be free then?" I asked, as he sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm afraid not, but you can have anything else" he said, as I paused. "Can you really do that?" I asked, as he smirked snapping his fingers, as he did my eyes widened as a contract floated in front of me. "This is an example contract I show" he said, as I lightly touched it, as I did it disappeared. "So... what exactly do you want?" he asked, as I paused. I thought for a moment. What was it that I truly wanted... only one thing came to mind and I looked at Fire with seriousness and devotion. "I want someone to love me" I said, as he paused and he sighed holding his head. "I'm afraid that's a little bit more difficult" he said, as I looked at him. "Does that mean you can't?" I asked, as he sighed and looked at me. "It's not that I can't, it's more on the lines of time... someone cannot simply fall in love with someone else, they need the time to get to know you and then learn to love you... if you make a contract that love can be forced... but only by humans... elements are a different matter" he said, as I lowered my head. "So I can't have what I truly want?" I asked, as he sighed and leaned back. "You really are a different element than most, others would simply want fame, fortune or power" he said, as I paused. "Why? Fame doesn’t cause nothing but media shame, fortune doesn’t give you true happiness and power... I don't really want that" I said, as he chuckled and stood up. I blushed when he cupped my face and slowly closed my eyes feeling his warm breath. "You really are different" he whispered, as I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him. Was this the feeling of love? Feeling this warmth inside. "Fire" I said, as he paused. "I... want you to love me" I said, as he stopped and I lowered my head thinking he would kill me. "Are you sure?" he asked, as I paused and looked up at him shocked. "I'm not an easy guy to get along with... not to mention my life gets into danger everyday... you might be exposed to that" he said walking to his chair and he sat down. "Are you really willing to love me?" I asked, as he smirked and glanced at me. "If that’s what you want I can give it to you" he said, as I smiled. “Yes... yes that's what I want" I said smiling happily. Fire smirked closing his eyes and snapped his fingers. The contract floated before me. I grabbed it and started reading it. As I did Fire chuckled and I paused and looked at him. "What?" I asked, as he closed his eyes. "Anyone would just sign the thing without reading it" he said, as I smiled. I finished reading and then stopped when my sides were throbbing. "AHHH" I shouted, as Fire ran over to me. "Ice" he said, as I started panting. "It hurts" I said, as Fire tisked his head and held the contract before me. "Ice I can't do anything until you sign it" he said, as I grabbed a pen holding it firmly in my hands. I slowly raised it and signed it. It was a little off from my regular signature, but I was in pain. Fire soon laid me on the floor. "DARK" shouted Fire, as Dark appeared from under the ground. "You called?" asked Dark, as his eyes widened seeing me wincing in pain. "Hold her down this is going to hurt" he said, as Dark nodded his head. Fire held his hands to my side and I screamed in pain. I soon paused feeling my skin changing. I looked at my hands and my eyes widened seeing snake skin appearing. "What's happening?" I ask, as Fire narrowed his eyes. "Your true form in appearing because you’re in pain" he said, as I paused. "True form?" I asked, as I winced again and then I slowly closed my eyes feeling the last of it. I was breathing heavily and panting. "Ice" said Fire's voice, as I slowly opened my eyes. "You alright?" asked Fire, as I looked down and paused seeing burn marks that read Fire on my side. I lightly touched it, but it didn't hurt. "Water's ability was removed from your body" he said, as I stopped and looked at him. "Ability?" I asked, as Fire snapped his fingers, Death appeared and showed a bottle full of glowing green liquid. "Mermaid tears, Water's special ability he can create with his fingertips, in this case he used it on you so he could absorb your powers... and hid your true form" he said, as I paused and touched my skin. "But... why?" I asked, as Fire helped me up and dusted me off. "That I'm still trying to figure out myself" he said, as I nodded. I then smiled and hugged Fire. His eyes widened looking at me shocked and I smiled. "Thank you" I said, as he smirked and put his hand to the back of my head. "I don't know how much you’re going to like me Ice, I'm not that likeable... plus I do yearn more power than anyone" he whispered, as I smiled a bit. "Everyone has their flaws... but I like your flaws" I said, as he stopped and cupped my face forcing me to look into his eyes. "You really are trying to make me love you aren't you?" he asked, as I smiled and he smirked. "Well let's get home than" he said, as I nodded.

To Be Continued...

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