The Fourth Form

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Soon Fire was finished with his clients and I was still sitting in his lap. I soon hugged him close and he smirked looking down at me. "So what shall we eat?" he asked, looking at a menu from his desk. I glanced at it and then nuzzled my face into his neck. "Anything Fire wants I'll eat" I whispered blushing. Fire stopped and glanced at me. "Your really are trying to seduce me aren't you?" he whispered, as I stayed quiet closing my eyes. "Fire" I whispered, as he paused and glanced at me not moving. "What is your true form like?" I asked, as Fire stopped and I gasped when Fire's hands went to my hip and started rubbing it. I looked at him looking at me seriously. "Don't worry about it" he said, as I paused. "But... isn't that why you need my eyes... to gain your true form?" I asked, as he sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I'll tell you something right now Ice... there isn't just one true form... there are four" he said, as I stopped and my eyes widened looking at Fire shocked. "But" I said, as he smirked cupping my face. "Usually halfies’ don't get that far... they only get to the first with any sort of luck like Gold... then there are elements who only have one form but are all sorts of powerful like Death, Dark and Light. Then there are elements who can get strong but only reach the second form like Wind and Earth" said Fire, as I paused seeing Fire clenching his fist. "Then there are elements like Water and myself who are at the third form, but want more but don't know how to get it... and so far no element has reached their ultimate fourth form" said Fire, as I looked at his eyes narrowing looking off into the distance. "And that's why you want me... to help you with your fourth form?" I asked, as he smirked and cupped my face. "Only if you find me worthy" he whispered causing me to blush from his breath tickling my ear. "As long as I can stay by your side... I don't mind" I said, as Fire chuckled tilting my face towards him. "You really are a simple element to understand" he said, as I lowered my head. "But... that's what I love about you" he whispered, as my eyes widened and I looked at him smirking towards me. "Love?" I asked, as he smirked and kissed my cheek. "Yes my Ice... I have fallen in love with you" he whispered, as I smiled and hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad" I whispered, as he smirked and rubbed my arms. "Now let's eat" he said, as I paused and grabbed his hand. Fire looked at me shocked and I looked at him seriously. "I want to give you your fourth form now" I whispered, as Fire stopped and cupped my face. "Ice" he said, as I smiled and closed my eyes feeling his warmth. "I owe you so much, so let me keep my end of the second contract" I whispered, as Fire smirked and kissed my lips. I blushed and kissed him back while closing my eyes. When he broke the kiss I was panting and looking at him lovingly. "You realize you haven't even signed the contract yet" he whispered, as I paused and lowered my eyes. "Do I have to sign one to get what I want from you?" I asked, as Fire chuckled and I gasped when he bit my left ear. "No" he whispered in his husky voice sounding amused more than anything.

"What do I have to do?" asked Fire, as I took his hands and gently placed them over my eyes. Water dripped off my face like nothing and I slowly dropped Fire's hands and started slowly opening my eyes. Those moments were the scariest moments of my life. I had no idea what to expect nor what Fire's reaction would be. Once my eyes were fully opened Fire's eyes widened looking at them. "Incredible" he whispered, as I paused at looked at him with wavering eyes. "What?" I asked shocked, as he smirked and cupped my face for him to get closer to my lips. "Your eyes... their beautiful purple snake eyes" he whispered, as my eyes widened and I looked at him shocked. I paused when Fire used both his hands to hold my face in place and he stopped when tears crawled down my face. "Ice?" he questioned, as I started sniffing. "What's wrong?" he whispered leaning in closer. "No one has ever liked my eyes before... I like it when you compliment them" I cried. Fire smirked and kissed my lips. He then stopped and I paused as he fell back. I took a few steps back as Fire clutched his heart. "Fire" I said, as I paused seeing him breathing heavily and his hair started changing colors. I took a few more steps back when his skin started changing color as well. Horns started growing out of his head, he started growing a tail and bat like wings grew out of his back. I stepped all the way back until my back hit the wall. I have never seen something like this before. Gold had used me for his first form of course, but it wasn't this severe nor this powerful. "FIRE" shouted Dark and Death opening the door. Their eyes widened looking at him. Death paused and looked at me. I started shaking and didn't know what to do. "Crap this might get out of control" said Death, as Dark tisked his head and surrounded Fire in a circular dark shield. However, within a matter of seconds the shield shattered like glass and my eyes widened seeing Fire breathing heavily and standing up. His hair was long and red, his skin was black and his eyes were glowing blood red. He slowly walked over towards us. I then noticed he changed his course a bit and started walking towards me. I looked at him scared and shocked. I shut my eyes tightly hoping for the worst. My eyes then widened as I felt something wet and smooth on my neck. I looked seeing Fire licking my neck. "Fire" I wheezed, as he chuckled and I shook a bit when he cupped my face. "I'm not that powerless that I would lose control in my form" he whispered, as I smiled and then hugged him. He smirked at me and I paused seeing his eyes were now a bright yellow color. But they were kind towards me and yearning for me. I was glad he hadn't changed. "You sure you can handle it?" asked Death, as Fire then looked at him. "Do you doubt me?" he asked, as I paused sensing Fire's aura darkening. "Not doubting... more cautious... if elements find out then Ice will be in trouble" said Death, as Fire smirked and nuzzled his face in my neck causing me to blush. "Then they will have to get through me first won't they?" asked Fire, as Death sighed and Dark smirked closing his eyes.

Later that night Fire carried me bridal style to his room and laid me on the bed. I watched him close the door and then stretch. I then watched as he took off his shirt and blushed looking at his perfect body. Fire paused and then smirked. I jumped when he tilted my chin towards him. "Easy Ice, I won't touch you until your ready" he whispered, as I blushed and nodded. He laid next to me and he started brushing my hair with his fingertips. "You will keep me by your side... right Fire?" I asked a bit scared. Fire smirked and I blushed when he kissed my lips. We he broke it I looked at him yearningly. Every time this element touched me I was in pure bliss. "Of course... after all no one can have your power but me... and no one desires you more than me" he whispered, as I smiled and slowly started drifting to sleep.

"You really mean that?" said a voice, as Fire turned his head looking at Death. "Do you doubt me?" asked Fire, as Death looked at him. "Not doubting... but if Water shows up again this is trouble" said Death, as Fire smirked and his eyes glowed red. "Let him come if he think he can stop me" said Fire, as Death smirked closing his eyes.

To Be Continued...

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