Murasakibara x Himuro

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Chapter 2
Murasakibara x Himuro

Himuro decides to show Murasakibara another way to enjoy pocky and find enjoyment during a day where his mother is on a cleaning war path.


I don't own KnB cuz if I did all my ships would come true and Bakagami would be dead in a ditch~

And yesssss I hate him~


A dark haired youth, who was in his second year of Yōsen High, was currently looking around for his boyfriend and friend, Murasakibara Atsushi. The youth went by the name of Himuro Tatsuya, the shooting guard of the Yōsen's basketball team. Himuro had spent most of the day searching for his tall and child like purple haired boyfriend. He had searched multiple stores and places in Akita and simply could not find him much to his own irritation and annoyance. He was thinking that he should call or text the purple haired giant in asking where he was but decided against it knowing that Murasakibara wouldn't answer the phone mostly because he would forget it at home regardless of the fact that a cell phone was not meant to be let at home but taken with it's owner.

A long exasperated yet fond sigh came from him as he ended up one of the few parks that the usually snow covered but currently snowless city (or town) provided. It was a bit past lunch when he soon stopped his search for Murasakibara and sat down on a bench groaning with his eyes sliding shut as he leaned back against the bench's back rest. He was mentally going over the places he visited hoping that he could remember something after he had a brief thought of not knowing where the purple haired giant lived, much to his own irritation and annoyance at himself for not even asking. Another sigh had escaped him causing him to briefly think that he's been sighing too much today but he shrugged it off and was about ready to get up when he heard a very familiar voice that held such a lazy yet somewhat childish tone that could only be made by the person he was looking for.

"Muro-chin... What are you doing here?..." Murasakibara questioned before putting a chip in his mouth, chewing it in a lazy way as his purple eyes stared at Himuro's form on the bench.


Murasakibara had been, much to his annoyance, sent on multiple chores outside and inside his house. He didn't have an option since his mother had all but threatened to castrate him into doing them. There was no way in hell he would be losing those parts since they are rather important to him, even more important than snacks and his own boyfriend and senpai, Himuro Tatsuya. His mother sent him to stores that he has only went to as a child when his mother was with him and had bought things that she needed to clean the house with since it was her Spring Cleaning day. Something he and a few others in the family dreaded since the oldest female tended to take things to the extreme and had most or rather all of the family doing things to help her clean the house, including himself.

He had only gotten back home and given his mother the things that she required before quickly finding a perfect time to escape when his father had accidentally dropped some food on the floor. That had his mother on his father's ass within seconds of the food touching the ground and he had fled the house with money in his pockets. The first place he had went to the was convenience store that was near the park since if he went to the one close to his home, his mother would literally hound him until he came back home. The female was rather persistent and scary when she wanted to and no one that lived there did not want to anger her or, if they did anger her, not get caught by her. It was basically a free for all when it involved the female monarch of the Murasakibara family. If someone angered her, you had a few options: take the vicious tongue lashing like a mature person, cower in fear, have someone distract so you can make a run for it or get the hell out of the area before she catches up to you. Life in the Murasakibara household during times like this is always tough, not even Murasakibara himself can get away at times but today he was lucky.

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