Chapter Two

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The next morning Mikaela smiled pitifully at Meghan, who was sat asleep outside of Charlie's hospital room. She had tear stains down her cheeks and her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Every now and then she'd sniffle in her sleep or mumble "Charlie" and shift in her seat. This really was hitting her harder than anyone. She didn't know how Meghan would handle the paparazzi when it came to leaving the hospital. She shook her shoulder gently. "Hey Meg." She muttered, taking a seat next to her.
"He flatlined." Meghan told her, emotionless. This made Mikaela's heart break in two. With Meghan and Charlie, they truly were each others everything.
"I know, the doctors called." Mikaela looked at her brother, who lay with tubes in down his throat just so he could breathe. "I brought you some stuff, I hope you don't mind. Ryan let me in."
"Oh, er, thanks."
"I can stay with him while you change if you want?" Mikaela suggested. Meghan nodded.
"Yeah, thanks, again."
"No problem."

Meghan returned a few minutes later with fresh clothes.
"Hey, Meg. Look, I've got to go help my mom out, she's really struggling right now. Stephen'll probably come over later."
"Okay." Meghan nodded, a slight thankful smile gracing her lips. Mikaela smiled back. Meghan needed to stay positive, if not for her, for everyone else; for Charlie.

"Its for Charlie." She says, looking at Ryan's skeptically glances towards the large box, completed with wrapping paper and a ribbon
"What exactly is for Charlie?" He asks, trying to peek find a hole he could peek through.
"Stuff. Now shoo, he'll be here soon." She says, anxious to see his reaction when he found the new MacBook. She stands in the living room, an eager grin controlling her face as she hears Charlie slide his key into the lock. "SURPRISE." she screams and runs into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him passionately, resting her head in the hollow of his neck.
"I missed you babe." He whispers into her ear. "All tour I thought about you."
"Good." She chuckles and climbs down from him.
"Meghan, I love you." He says.
"I love you too." She whispers into his shoulder as they sit on the couch. "I got you a present." She says, pushing up from the couch and grabbing the box. He opens it.
"Meg, you really didn't need to do this." He says, looking at her.
"But I wanted to. Your my boyfriend and I couldn't possible live without you. I want you to be able to produce better things. You'll be able to produce your songs way better that you could on your shitty PC." She says, carefully crossing her arms.
"But I don't want you to buy me things. I feel like I'm using you." He says, looking at the shiny laptop in his hands.
"Charlie, if you don't take it I'm going to break up with you." She sasses. His eyes go wide and he sets the he computer on the coffee table, pushing the box onto the floor and reaching out, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulls her onto his lap.
"Okay, I'll take it!" He whispers into her neck, kissing it lightly.
"Good." She says, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning in for a sweet kiss. "Because I really didn't want to break up with you."
"No, I didn't want you to either."

"Do you remember that one Charlie, that was when we first started going out. I can't believe it took us so long..." She stifled a sob. "I can't believe it took us so long to admit it, to each other, how we felt." She sighed and studied his pale features. Across the top of his forehead, almost hidden in his hairline were 8 stitches in a line where he'd cut his face, his left eye was a deep purple and swollen, whilst his left cheek... His lips were parted so that the tube that was connected to the ventilator could reach his lungs and breathe for him. The doctor came in not 10 seconds later and smiled sadly at Meghan.
"Ms Trainor, if you would like to have a word outside?" Meghan shook her head no.
"I won't leave him." She says defiantly.
"Ms, sometimes the patient can hear words, sounds, even when c- in this state." Meghan, fully aware of the word beginning with C, the doctor stopped himself from saying grew very worried very quickly. She nodded her slightly and released Charlie's hand, following the doctor out of the dull room and into the slightly brighter hallway. "I'm afraid Mr Puth is comatose." Comatose.
"Call him Charlie." She muttered, sobs overcoming her. She stumbled backwards into a chair and fell into it. "Comatose? No that's... he wasn't..."
"Ms Trainor, when we had to incubate yesterday, we had to give him thiopental to induce him into a coma, so he will wake not up whilst still unable to breathe."
"Thiopental. It's a drug used for inducing coma's. It sends the patient into a deep state of unconsciousness where they can, hopefully, recover from their injuries and wake up by themselves." Meghan nodded. "But of course, there is always the chance the patient will not recover, in this case we will give the drug, pentobarbital, in the hopes of awakening the cerebral cortex but, this is a very rare occurrence." Meghan nodded again, salty tears fast slipping down her cheeks.
"What are his chances?"
"Ms Trainor, with all due respect, this is not something you are required to know."
"Is it not? I'm sorry, I missed the part when the love of your life was lying in a hospital bed, on an intensive care unit, on life support and in a self-induced coma. If it was, your loved one, you would like to know the likelihood of them waking up would you not?" The doctor had tried to refuse, but she made a good point. He would demand to know the probability of them opening their eyes again.
"Ms Trainor..."
"Would you not?!"
"I would." He muttered. She nodded her head and her jaw tensed.
"He has a 31.2% of survival." She just sank into the chair beside Charlie's bed again. Sobs shaking her body again as she clutched his hand to her chest.
"The odds aren't even on our side, Charlie." She cried. "I need you to wake up."


A/N: I used google for this so I'm sorry if it's totally wrong. Um....yeah so that happened Lol. What's gonna happen next???

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