Chapter Seven

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A/N: Author's Note at the top today because this is a very short chapter and very sad one so the moment at the end would not be ruined by and A/N. Enjoy/cry. For full effect read the chapter while playing 'like I'm gonna lose you' in the background.

She broke down. Her knees buckled beneath her and she was on the floor, crying. Tears were falling faster than they ever had before. She physically couldn't walk even if she tried. She was shaking. Every moment with Charlie flashed before her eyes. Every happy moment, every sad moment, every tear and memory. It was going to be gone. Forever. She remembered the child in her stomach. She thought about how angry she was that Charlie would never meet his child, or hold it, or anything. She thought about how she didn't get to say a proper goodbye. She thought about how god damn mad at herself she was for not being here.

And she cried harder.

Somehow, they ended managed to get her into Charlie's room and she'd stopped crying hysterically. "We'll leave you guys alone." It's Mikaela and she's rubbing her arm gently as she leaves. Meghan doesn't notice this. She's too focused on Charlie. His chest rising up and down, machines the only thing keeping that happening.
"Hey, Char." She greets, her voice wavering. Tears continue to slip from her eyes and down her cheeks. "You know, I told you not to leave me... But here we are. I love you. So much. I can't even put it into words. And this baby, boy or girl. I will love them so much, and I'll tell them about their wonderful dad every day. They'll always know you, Char." She stopped to wipe away a few tears. Then she motioned for everyone else to come in. Just before the doctor turned off the machine keeping him alive, Meghan leaned down, her vision blurred with tears, and whispered in his ear.

"You have no idea how much those little moments with you mattered to me."

And he was gone.

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