Chapter 4: The last chance

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Riley's POV
As I am sitting in culture shock James walks over since I decided to ask him to talk to me and so he agreed

"Hey"" I say'

"So, anything happened? you know like you kissing someone? getting together with someone that's like not me" I say to him

"No dude" James says "Relax, chill I great right now"

"Really, because when I came into the music room, you betrayed me, YOU KISSED ELLA" I say to James "Goodbye, you had your last chance to come clean, and you broke it, sya goodbye to me" I walk out of culture shock

James' POV
Oh, boy what did I do? This time I really messed up, I lost her, maybe even forever, but, she'll come back, they always do,

don't they?

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