Chapter 18

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Kyoya and I spent normal hosting hours to prepare for the upcoming ball. And trust me, I needed every spare minute of it! Can people actually dance like this? Its impossible!

"Come on (f/n), its not that hard." Kyoya said as I collapsed on the floor from frustration.

"Maybe not for you. I honestly believe that people like me were just not meant to dance."

He chuckled, "Lets try again."

I groaned but got up. Even though I stepped on his toes every time I tried to dance, Kyoya is still determined to teach me. So I figured that the least I can do is try.

"Alright. Good! Just let me lead. There you go!" Kyoya said as I was beginning to get the hang of it.

"Hey I think I got it!"

"Fantastic! Now for the spin."

"Wait. Spin!?"



"Yes you are."

"No I'm not!"

"I believe in you!"

"You put your faith in the wrong girl!"

"Here we go!"


Kyoya released his grip on my waist and began twirling me. It was going okay for the first and second turn, but on the third I collapsed on top of Kyoya. Heh serves him right for making me spin.

"Well, that was good for the first time."

"First? You mean I have to do that again!?"

He chuckled, "Practice does make perfect."

"Depends on the person practicing."

"Precisely. And you, my dear (f/n), are already perfect. So naturally this dance will soon be also."

I felt my face heat up, "I-I'm not perfect."

"To me you are."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Thanks Kyoya."

"You're very welcome (f/n). Now would you be so kind as to get off? Not that I'm complaining, but we should probably practice that spin some more."

I giggled and got off of Kyoya. I stood back up and helped Kyoya do the same. Practice makes perfect huh? Lets test that theory.

"Come on Kyoya! Lets dance!"


We finished practicing for the day and headed home. Even though I wasn't doing so good in the beginning, I was starting to get the hang of it. Kyoya even said that he thinks I'll be ready by the end of the week! I smiled at the thought of being done.

Kyoya noticed me smiling and smiled at me. He's so cute!

"Hey Kyoya?"

"Yes (f/n)?"

"Do you really think I'll be ready by the end of this week?"

"Hmm. Well, you have made some incredible improvement in the past few practice sessions. So yes, I do believe you will be ready by the end of this week."

I smiled even more, "Thanks again for taking the time to teach me."

"Anything to spend more time with you."

I giggled, "Even if it involves having your toes stepped on?"

He chuckled, "Even if it involves having my toes stepped on."

We finally made it back to my house and Kyoya walked it up to my door.

"Thanks for walking me home Kyoya."

"No need to thank me. To be honest, I have a completely selfish reason for walking you home."

"And what would that be?"

Kyoya pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately, "I want everyone to know your mine."

My dad opened the door just in time to see Kyoya kiss me. This, and Kyoya's reason, made me blush a dark shade of red.

I giggled when I saw my dads face, "I think they know."

Kyoya chuckled and turned to my father, "I just wanted to make sure (f/n) got home safely."

"Don't push your luck Ootori. She may be your girlfriend but she is still my daughter."

"Understood sir."

I smiled and gave Kyoya one last quick kiss before going inside.


I watched and (f/n) went inside her house, followed by her father. It really has been enjoyable spending after school hours teaching her how to dance. She's absolutely adorable when she get frustrated. And I love how she never gave up, no matter how many times she would make a mistake.

I walked home smiling like an idiot, thinking about (f/n). About how her (h/l) (h/c) hair falls perfectly around her face. How she always has a smile on her face and brings the best out of everyone. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. She has made my somewhat gloomy life turn ever so much brighter.

I am most definitely in love with (f/n) (l/n).


I went to my room and began doodling while listening to (f/b). (A/N: f/b is favorite band, or if you want it can be your favorite artist :)) Lately all of my doodles involve Kyoya. Just the other day I was beginning to draw an oak tree, but ended up drawing Kyoya writing in his black book leaning again the tree.

I was in the middle of drawing Kyoya from the night on the Ferris wheel, when my mother came inside my room.

"Hey sweetie!"

"Hey mom."

"So have you thought about what you would like for your birthday?"

"Is it really my birthday already?"

"Yup! May 1 is next week Friday!"

"It is? Wait next week Friday!?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That's the same day as the ball that the host clubs hosting."

"Oh what fun!"

"Yeah, if you think being fussed over because its your birthday by a bunch of guys is fun."


I couldn't help but laugh a little at my mom. She's always been more laid back than my father. So I only mentioned being a host to my mother and not my father.

"Just promise you won't tell dad. He still doesn't know that the club I'm a part of is a host club. So if he finds out he'll-"

"-Totally flip!"

I giggled, "Exactly!"

"Don't worry sweetheart, your secrets safe with me." she gave me a wink and left me to finish my sketch.

Now all I have to do is keep the rest of the hosts from finding out its my birthday. I don't even want to imagine what they would do if they found out.

A/N: So sorry for the late update!! Been crazy busy with school starting, but I promise I'll update weekly! Love you all!!

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