File 1: Dark Divison

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The first thing the Awoken was aware of was the Security Camera across the street. It stuck out from the side of the old, crumbling, building like a gleaming sore thumb. He had requested the Camera the day before. Before this thought had crossed his mind the Security Network had already registered his age, height, race, and weight. They knew he was Daalk Kun'o, Secretary of Dark Division. The date was a Monday so the system registered that Mr.Kun'0 would most likely be on his way to DD Head Quarters approximately 3 miles away. The system called a cab which Mr. Kun'o entered. 3 minutes later another camera captured Mr. Kun'o getting out of the cab and approaching the DD building. He was greeted by the receptionist. "Good Morning Secretary Kun'o" "Good Morning Helen. What's on the agenda for today?" "You have an appointment with Commander Zavala at 10:00am, you going to inspect Project Replicate at 12:30am and the hearing is today at 4:00 at the Protectorate building." "Ah yes that's today." "Yes and there's a Guardian waiting in your office." "Tell him I'll be right there" "Very good Mr. Kun'o." Kun'o walked through the lobby and over to the elevator. Kun'o pressed his thumb to the display and the elevator was called. As it came down its long glass walled shaft, Kun'o was approached by an Aide. "Sir PR needs your signature for the Transfer process. The Aide brandished a tablet and a stylus. Kun'o signed on the Aide ran off towards the stairwell. The elevator then arrived. Kun'o stepped into the elevator and tapped the 26 button. Above ground the building resembled an A Rectangle tilted sideways. It wasn't very wide or very thick but very tall. The 26th floor was the tallest and only contained one office, Kun'o's. Kun'o was alone in the elevator he felt no guilt about pulling out his personal Sidearm and checking if it was loaded. The elevator beeped and the doors opened. As Kun'o stepped out of the elevator the lights came on. Sitting at his desk was none other then Commander Zavala. Kun'o raised his 2-1phone "Helen cancel my Zavala appointment." "I will sir, but I don't think he'll be happy." "I think he'll be fine with it." He put down his phone and addressed Zavala. "Why the move?" "Our timetable as moved up. We need to know that you and your department are in." "We're in one hundred percent." "I had better see it at the hearing."

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