Chapter 2 : The Girl Across The Road

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I was now driving for two hours and all I saw was destruction and zombies everywhere. I was lost and by now I thought all hope was lost. Everyone was dead or turned into zombies, or there was humans out there but i just couldn't find them. I was now turning depressed missing my old life with my family and friends. I didn't know what to do so I just drove straight without turning to the right where it said "Welcome to California". California was my favorite place to visit but right now in this moment it wasn't. I was still hoping for a miracle that my family was out there. I was turning looking my head from the left to right looking through the windows trying to look for a place to stop and rest, but instead I saw fresh flesh cross the road from me. I was in shock thinking "Could it be true was there another living breathing human being still in this world?" It was true and it was amazing. When the person turned around it was a girl, a girl who looks about eight to ten years old. She had dazzling dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes. Then I thought she kinda looked familiar like she was a girl in my neighborhood or a girl that used to go to my school. But she wasn't when I realized it, that the girl across the road is my sister.

I was still shocked looking at my sister across the road breathing and alive. She looked terrified and looked like she had cried for a long while, because her eyes were red and puffy. Now it was my chance to go talk to her, but I had to make sure it was safe. So I grabbed the baseball bat I found in the car and then I ran across the street. I then stopped and stared at my sister still in amazement that she was alive. In this moment right now I just wanted to bawl my eyes out. Then I said "Mary, are you okay?" She looked at me in fright but also happiness. She then spoke saying "Lily, is that you are you alive too?" I chuckled because she asked me if I was alive and of course I was alive because I'm standing right in front of her. I said "Yes, Mary I'm alive and okay but the question is are you okay?" She said "Yes I think I'm okay because I just tripped over some things when the zombies were chasing me." I was in shock because the zombies were chasing her and she survived. I was very impressed that she out ran and got away from all of those flesh feasting zombies. "Well" I said. "I'm very proud of you because you out ran the zombies and survived, but I have a question, is mom, dad, and Nick alive"? "Sorry Lily I don't know I have been looking for them too." Mary responded. I was now sad but happy sad because they could be dead or zombies, but happy because if Mary says there not dead then they could be alive out there somewhere.

Now that Mary and I have been talking for about 10 minutes I tell her to carefully cross the road and get into the car. She listens perfectly and does exactly what I told her to do. Before she gets into the car I check to see if there were no zombies in the car, it was clear. Now we are heading off, not sure where we will end up but we just keep driving anyway. Then Mary says " Lily do you think we will survive this zombie apocalypse? Or do you think we will turn into zombies too?" "Well, Mary all we can do is stay together and if we do that we will survive and find mom, dad, and Nick." I reply back. Mary was just silent after I answered that question. I think she was turning depressed and that was sad because she was only eight years old and should be having fun not being depressed. 30 minutes have now passed of awkward silence in the car and then Mary screams. It frightens me so horribly I break on the car. We both fling forward and the airbags spring out. I then scream "WHY DID YOU JUST SCREAM?! WHAT'S WRONG?!" Mary then replies in a excitement voice saying "LOOK, IT'S SPIKE!!" Spike is our black lab dog that we have had since I was nine years old. I say to Mary "Did you really have to scream over Spike? Almost killing me and you?!" I say in a ranging voice. "Sorry I just love him so much, and I missed him. Hey here's an idea lets go get him!" Mary said. "No" I said back super fast. "Why not?" Mary says in a sad winy voice. "Because Spike could have a disease from the zombies and if he even licks or bites us we could die. I really want to get Spike, I do, but I just don't want to take any risks killing us over a dog." I say back in a serious voice so she understands, but apparently she wasn't listening or she didn't understand because she asked me again to get Spike. We talked back in forth about Spike for about 15 minutes and I finally won leaving him behind. Mary was now sad but I knew it was for her own good, well our own good.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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