Chapter 34: Emergency Room

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Scott's P.O.V.

My heart raced as I jumped in the car, starting it up immediately.

"What exactly did the message say?" I asked Avi harshly.

"It says 'we're at the hospital and we need you guys. Hurry, it's important.'"

I sighed shakily, trying to keep from freaking out.

"I let it happen again," Avi muttered to himself. "I can't believe I let it happen again."

I put a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright man. It's not your fault. We just have to try and stay positive."

He nodded, putting his face in his hands and taking deep breaths.

I knit my eyebrows together, desperately trying to stay calm, but what if Mitch was hurt again? How could I live with myself?

When we got to the hospital, all of us  nearly ran to the entrance.

"Do you know where Mitch Grassi and Kirstie Maldonado are?" I asked the woman at the front desk breathlessly.

She pursed her lips. "And who are you?"

I clenched my fists. "Scott Hoying. Practically family. Now where are they?"

She looked us all over, then smiled, giggling softly.

"What is so funny?" I asked harshly, extremely frustrated.

She shook her head. "Nothing. I believe that they are in the emergency room section of the hospital."

I ground my teeth together. I still had no idea how to get there.

Seeing that I was overly frustrated, Avi stepped in front of me, smiling at the woman. I sighed, stepping back.

"And where would that be?" Avi asked calmly.

She pointed down the hallway. "You're going to go down that hallway, take a right, and it'll be through the last door on the left."

I took off as soon as she had finished giving us directions.

"Thank you!" I heard Avi thank her, then his and Kevin's footsteps following closely behind me.

"Scott! Slow down!" I heard Kevin shout breathlessly behind me.

I ignored him, continuing to run through the hallways. I took the right, then ran all the way down the hallway to the last door on the left, bursting through the double doors.

Everyone that was in the waiting room immediately turned to stare at me, their eyes wide. I saw Nurse Cheyenne standing towards the back of the waiting room with tears in her eyes. I walked over to her quickly.

"Cheyenne, where are Mitch and Kirstie?" I asked, trying to keep myself contained. "Why are you crying? What's going on?!"

She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm so glad that you're here,"  she choked out.


I was interrupted by Kirstie coming into the emergency room waiting area, also crying.

"Kirst, what's wrong?" I asked, suddenly ten times more worried than I was before. I mean, I love Kirstie, but if she was fine, that meant something was wrong with Mitch.

My Mitchie...

She laughed through the tears, burying her face in my chest. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing is wrong."

"Then what is going on?" I could feel myself getting more and more frustrated and confused, and if someone didn't tell me what was going on right now, I could see myself snapping very easily.

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