Skyclan cats

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Cloudstar(fluffy white tom. Mature, reserved, listener, 9/9 lifes left. Mate is Silvermoon)

Silvermoon(all gray she cat, sister is moonheart, energetic, trouble maker, good fighter. Mate is cloudstar Karl_1315) mine

Med cat: flowershade(tortoise she'll she cat with white paws. Kind, caring, helpful.) Mine

Med cat apprentice: moonpaw(black she cat with silver paws and tip of tail. Sibling is snowpaw) mine

Moonheart(black with white stripes and paws, She cat, sister is Silvermoon, calm, happy, really good hunter.) mine



Beetlekit(gray beetle patterned tom with sand colored ears and paws, long tail. Sibling is ravenkit[is this correct?]) Suncrystal

Ravenkit(back and ginger she cat with silver ears and chest. A stone gray heart patch on her chest with a white crack-like fur going down it. Sibling is beetlekit.) Suncrystal

Snowpaw(white tom with tan paws and some tan spots.)mine Mentor: Silvermoon

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