Chapter 14 - Faking

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look at that cute picture !! I love ColdAbby so much !!

{Doncaster High school, Monday, 08:00am, first period}

NIALL:"So what happened after we left?"

LOUIS:"Nothing, except that apparently Liam and Harry are really loving cuddles. Did you knew they were that close?"

NINA:"You kinda sound jealous."

LOUIS:(Frustrated)"I'm not! It's just... They don't match."

NINA:"I think they are kinda cute, even if I ship Larry."

LOUIS:"You do what? Who is Larry, is he your new boyfriend?"

NINA:(bursts out laughing)"Larry isn't a person, that's a ship name for yours and Harry's relationship. You get it ? Louis is the L and Harry is the arry, that equals Larry."

LOUIS:"What even is a ship name?"

NINA:"When you really want two people to be together you ship them, they are your OTP."

LOUIS:"Stop it! That's too confusing, my head hurts. I feel like you use that Internet thingy too much."

NINA:"You mean my laptop, wow, Internet thingy, that was low even for you."

LOUIS:"Could you shut up now. I'm not interested in all this OPT bullshit."

NINA:(mumbles)"It's OTP."

HARRY:(overheard their conversation) "OTP, one true pairing."


NINA:"He just showed you that I'm not the only one with" (air quotes) " an Internet thingy."

HARRY:(fonding)"Internet thingy, so adorable."

LOUIS:"I'm nor adorable."

NINA:"Yeah his ass is to big."

ZAYN:(from the corner of the classroom)"His ass is gold."

MRS.CALDER:"What was that? I feel like no one is listening in this class."

RANDOM BOY:"You are too hot to concentrate."

MRS.CALDER:(blushing)"Anyways, just go back to work and finish this paper till the end."

NINA:(back to Louis)"Where were we? Ahh right your ass."

LOUIS:"Not a nice topic to be honest."


LOUIS:"What a surprise, as if you never disagree with something I'm saying."

HARRY:"Sush, I'm complementing you right now."

LOUIS:"So my ass is a nice topic huh?"

HARRY:(smirks)"The nicest."

LOUIS:"Nicer than Liam's ass?"

HARRY:"Two completely different things. Yours is round and perky and his' is fit, but flat."

LOUIS:"But what is better?"

HARRY:"Not sure."

NINA:"I feel ignored."

MRS.CALDER:"Tomlinson, Styles and Grey, please switch seats, you three are not longer siting together."

LOUIS:(Faked)"Aww I will miss you Harry."

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