Chapter 6

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Ok people! im getting sick of the whole no commenting thing! Luv ya all anyways though. Austin is in this chapter kind of, so i hope you like it. It was really fun to wright, so enjoy!

 Shit! I really want this, i know i do, but im to stunned to act. Finnaly i just place a hand on his chest and push him away softly. The hurt in his eyes makes me feel guilty. He looks like a lost puppy.I look at my feet. When i look back up he still has the same hurt expression. Ok i give up. I really like Eragon, but truthfully, hes my first boyfriend, and I have no idea how to act.

Eragons P.O.V

As I step out of the car, I immediatly start looking for Arya. When I don't find her in the parking lot, I head inside. Finally I spot her, standing with a group of friends. Holly crap she looks good! After a few minutes, she gets a bored expression and walks away. I immeadatly follow her. She just walks around. Time to act . I walk up behind her and spin her around. 

"What was--" Shit she sounded mad! Once she saw it was me,though, she looked happy.

 I started leaning in,intending to kiss her, but i was stopped. Her hand pushed my chest away from her.

She looked strange, but then she smiled.

"Wanna dance?" she says "This is one of my favorite songs" I didn't know this song, but later she told me it was called 'Heart Attack by One Direction' I guess i liked them. Sortta.

She starts dancing, and she looks great.  Then she starts singing. And i thought she danced good! The whole room stops and looks at her. She blushes, looks down and stops singing. The DJ grabbes a microphone

"Don't stop now young lady!" he yells as the song struck the chores. "Get up here!"

Shes still blushing, but hops onto the stage.


I shouldn't have started singing. what ever. I hop onto  the stage and the dj hands me a microphone and yells into his.

" Who waants this young lady to sing karioke?"

The yells of the students is deafining.

"What song miss?"

"Say your just a friend, Austin Mahone"

"You got it!"

The familiar music starts, and my voice starts right on key. (The video is on the side guys!!! And the girl is NOT Arya btw)

"Hey hey baby you been on my mind.knew you for a long time. Iv been thinking maby that you should know"

The room goes silent

Everyone starts screaming as i pull Eragon on stage. He looks uncomfortable, but joins me for the rest of the song.

Once the song ends, i pull him close to me and kiss him lightly. Sparks shoot through my body. I take a running start and jump off the stage, sailing through the air.  I find destiny and she starts screaming.

"You where amazing! I never knew you could sing!"

For the next hour, shes just screaming her head off at me, untill its time to leave.

I stay the night at her house, watching Austin Mahone vidios. What I wouldn't give to meet him! After the fifteenth vidio, the most recent, something catches my eye. Austins haircut, its diffrent. What ever, its nothing i think, but i can't shake the feeeling im missing something. The next vidio we watch, hes talking about getting his hair cut. It was three days ago. Wait a second, thats when Eragon got his cut. All the other vidios match too! Getting his ears peirced, that day he was sick, everything! OMG! Im dating the guy iv allways wanted to meet! Maby im imagining it. I have to be!!! Theres no way that i just kissed Austin Mahone. The more i thought about it though, the more i was sure i was right . Theyv'e allways looked alike. Kyle to, has always looked like Alex. Im going to ask him tommorow. I tell Destiny, and she watches the vidios.

"I-I think your right Arya" she says in a whisper

"I have his phone number, you think i should call him?"

"Wait! Austin's doing a younow in an hour. Call him then and see if he picks up his phone!"

"Thats a great idea, Dess! I forgot about the younow"

The next hour is SO slow. Finally, Its time to watch the younow. Destiny grabs her computer and we sit on her bed. Austin comes on. He talks for awhile and takes out his phone. I take out mine too, and quickly dial the number Eragon gave me. Austin's phone rings....

Dundundun.... hahaha i wasn't going to make this a fanfic, but i like it. (by the way this was my awsome idea from chapter five)If you people read down here, comment 'Mahomie Forever <3'

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