Chapter 3 - Chapter 3

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"Commander! There's some guy outside. He has like a trench coat, and a beret. And we can't see his face, he's got like a balaclava on, so we don't know who he is. He's pretty scary. Permission to piss my pants, sir?"
"You idiot! That's the Vodnik! Get him inside my office! Now!"
The commander is furious. But he can't blame his soldiers, they never met the Vodnik, so he let them off with a warning. The door swung open and 4 guards walked in the office. Behind them followed the Vodnik.
"Good morning Vodnik. I believe you killed the target?"
"I did. I kicked him off a cliff."
"You kicked him off a cliff?"
"Yes I did."
"So you checked to see if he was dead?"
"Well, ugh, no, no I didn't. But in pretty sure he's dead, like 99.9 percent sure. So can I get my pay now?"
"No. He's probably not dead. Now go back and check if he's dead and make sure we win this war!"
"I think you forgot szomething commander."
"And what's that?"
"I'm a mercenary, so that means... I'M NEUTRAL MOTHERF*****!"
Vodnik reaches into his coat and pulled out two .45 auto pistols and begins to fire at the guards. The commander dives behind his desk and reaches for the BL-12 carbine. He points the gun over the desk and blind fires in Vodnik's direction. He looks up and to his surprise sees Vodnik jump out the third story window. Free falling in the air, he pulls the pin to the frag grenade he took from the guard and throws it into the office. He lands on top of a guard which breaks his fall. He stand up and unsheathed his katana and begins to kill with blind rage. The bloodshed was all too real. Rebels were being dismembered left and right, and others were killed by the sub machine gun Vodnik wielded.
"You will all die for attempting to take me down!" No soldier was capable if killing the Vodnik, except for one man: the Marksman, and he just happened to be at the command center.
"Target in sight, preparing to engage" The ex-Spetnaz sniper mounted his SVD on the roof of the command center and fired one round at the Vodnik. A sharp pain crippled his left leg, but Vodnik did not stop, it only encouraged him to keep fighting.
"So, you're a strong soldier I see. Maybe this next bullet will end your reign of terror." He aimed his scope reticle over Vodnik's head and slowly squeezed the trigger. "You will meet your end mercenary." Suddenly, Vodnik turned to Marksman's direction and fired one shot. The bullet ripped through the barrel and destroyed his gun.
"Вы сукин сын! (You son of a b****)"
The Marksman knew he isn't capable of taking Vodnik down in a CQC situation,  so he rappelled off the building and retreated into the Bulgarian forest. But Vodnik knew he would eventually die if the soldiers swarmed him, so he needed to escape. He look around him and saw only biting armored vehicles.
"Damn," he thought, "I could have used those for my escape." He looked up on the building and saw a transport chopper. He smiled to his clever plan and dashed towards his goal, killing any rebel who stood in his way.
He eventually reached the roof to see his commander.
"Looking for this chopper? Well too bad you-" Vodnik uppercut the commander and took the helicopter's keys.
"I'll see you another day commander, but right now, I'm going to finish my target."
Vodnik piloted the helicopter and checked his contacts to DJ Swiggity Swag's location. Next stop: Hong Kong.

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