0.05// Someone To Care

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"On one hand I want to know what people think about me and I want them to say they're opinion to my face. But I don't think I could take it. I'm already constantly paranoid about what I look like at a specific angle or how I'm coming across, I don't need people adding onto that list. I guess I just have to accept I'm not going to be on everyone's good side no matter how hard I try to be. But I want the people I care about to care back without it being forced. I guess I'm not that likeable. I guess that's why I don't have many 'close and personal friends' what ever that is anymore. I just want someone to talk to, to sympathise with, to understand. I want someone who doesn't make everything a competition and has to brag about how much more better they are than me like I don't already know I'm shit."

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