Celebration To Restore

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It was his new favorite place in the castle, but not by choice. Arthur spent most of his time out on the balcony overlooking his city. Every time he looked out at the destruction and the streets that still needed clearing Arthur was reminded of how he failed as King of Camelot. His first chance to prove himself as King, and he let his people down. Arthur would not forgive himself for allowing Morgana to cause such turmoil in Camelot, and he vowed to make it up to the citizens of his city.

As the early morning sun rose over Camelot Arthur looked out over the city mentally going over lists of tasks that needed to be done to restore Camelot to it's former glory. It seemed that was all Arthur could think about anymore. He wanted so badly to make up for his mistakes. The early morning sun lit up the streets of Camelot making the city shine like a diamond. Even the streets still crowded with ruble and ash seemed to sparkle under the bright sun. Arthur was in awe of the way the city appeared.

"I swear to do right by you." Arthur said as if he could talk to the city of Camelot itself.

"Sire?" Gwen announced her presence as she quietly peeked her head out from around the balcony door. She had just finished his washing and was returning a couple of his tunics.

At the sound of her voice Arthur jumps and spins around to face the servant, "Oh, Gwen!... I ... was just..." Arthur was not sure how long she had been standing there or if she had even heard him, but still he felt the need to explain himself.

Although Gwen was just a servant she was about the same age as Arthur. She grew up with him and over the years they had grown very close. Arthur often looked for Gwen when he was in need of advice or counsel. He often felt like he could talk with Gwen more freely and openly than he could with his own advisors. Gwen became very good at knowing when there was something on Arthur's mind. As she stepped out on to the balcony and looked out at the city she did not need to ask what was troubling Arthur. She already knew he blamed himself for everything that happened with Morgana. Gwen also knew that Arthur would stop at nothing to make sure the people of Camelot felt safe in their own homes again.

"No one blames you. You do know that, right?" Gwen asked after turning to face Arthur.

Arthur did not reply. Part of him knew that he was not to blame but another part of him could not help but feel guilty for all of Morgana's crimes against Camelot.

"There was nothing you could have done, Arthur. Morgana made her choice when she chose to work with Morgause rather than come to you. She is the one who is to blame for all of this destruction, not you." Gwen reasoned.

"It does not matter if it was Morgana's doing or my doing. Camelot is my city and it is my duty to protect it. I wasn't even King more than five minutes before I let the city crumble at Morgana's feet." Arthur motioned to the destroyed buildings.

Gently placing her hand on Arthur's shoulder Gwen said, "Arthur you cannot keep doing this to yourself. You are getting nowhere with this kind of thinking. The people of Camelot are loyal to you. They trust you and have faith that you will help them to start a new. If they have faith then you must too." Gwen knew she was probably saying too much and there was a possibility that she would regret it later, but she could not help herself, "You were crowned King in the mist of all of this chaos. Everyone knows that, Arthur, and since becoming King you have done so much for Camelot." Gwen pointed out to the newly built shops and homes, "Look at all of the incredible work that has been accomplished under your rule, Arthur. When I look out from this balcony I do not see defeat or destruction. I see new life and bright hope for the future... All you need to do is take another look and you will be able to see it too."

Gwen's hand slipped off of Arthur's shoulder as she finished speaking. She knew that she had spoken out of turn, and although Arthur normally did not mind she did not want to risk upsetting him by lingering on the balcony when she had not been invited. Slowly Gwen began to step back towards the doors. She bit her bottom lip and wondered if anything she said would help Arthur.

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