♔Month of August♔

31 7 3

hey guys! It's PLLlol334 here with another update again. This one's a quickie! 😉

So just when I recently updated TSLOBM-- I realized I said "New book in August!". You guys might remember that cause it was in my bio in July and a bit of August until I erased it off. But if you don't, then I was explain a little here:

☕︎EXPLANATION TIME!☕︎ (a.k.a= "tea time!")

okie, so tea time! ☕︎ 

I said around mid-July that I would be updating a new book! and that I was working on it for a while now. but that suddenly was a huge change of mind. But if I am making a new book soon, then I'll be sure to make sure it's final.

tea time over! ☕︎

how's school, wattpadioans? ✎ is it going well? fun? if not, hang in there kiddo! ⭐︎

if you started school today, yesterday or tomorrow, good luck! i wish you good luck out there! so here's something:

if you are starting school soon or if you already started then comment in the comment box any advice you need to help cope. or just dm me. And you don't want anyone to see it personally, i'll answer it through dm or i can just put you anonymous.

i will be your advice guru! 😂😀

nightie, lovelies!


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