santa's here! wait.. shh.

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it's finally december yas! ❄️
which means that snow is coming, presents and family visits but most importantly (not important though) NO SCHOOL 😉

yea sorry i haven't been updating for a LONG TIME but school has been a bit stressful cause you know; holidays 🎅🏼 so work has slowed updating down 👎 sorry. but the Christmas follower update is still happening . no worries there. 😌

if you guys don't celebrate Christmas then i will just call it the "holiday follower update" :)

let's go 🙂

ho ho ho! santas here to bring gifts. he's here to visit you and your beautiful home ;)

but suddenly, you jump out of your bed; eager to take an insta pic with him, but he's sleeping. on your couch, watching spongebob 😂

you shake santa multiple times to wake him. he wakes up! yay 😌

"Santa!! your awake. you gotta go. but first, let's take a quick insta pic so I can show off."

"Sorry! santas tired. you have my sleigh, reindeer, elves and presents. go deliver!"


santa wants YOU to deliver his presents. you have to save the holidays/christmas! how will you ever do it alone?

never fear, im here 😂😆

jk jk here are your solutions ;)

#1: call a friend to help. 📱

#2: try to get santa to get up 💤

#3: fly the sleigh 👏

#4: tell your parents 🎅🏼

#5: cry for help! HELP! 😭

#6: get the elves and figure out a good plan 😝

or maybe just do nothing idk 😂

okay okay! that was AWFUL! but you get the idea! It's the holiday month of the entire year! 🎅🏼


(sorry for caps 😂)

my one year anniversary of being a member/writer on wattpad hooray! how should i spent it? updates, shoutouts, etc.

help me figure ways out so you all can celebrate with me. I'm going to try and get 1K followers!

help me reach my goal on my one year anniversary with wattpad!

ily all so much! 💛

happy december! 😻❄️

bye bye! ❤️

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