am I really fallen 4 u?

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As I was watching TV I heard a knock on the door

Deena: Jason hey what are u doing here?

Jason : can I come in

Deena: sure so what's up

Jason: I couldn't stop thinking about u ma

Deena : Jason that's so sweet......

As Jason kissed me, my hands were on his face and his hand on my waist he pushed me against the wall, breathing hard on my neck ,my legs wrapped around his waist

Jason:babe is ur parents home?

Deena: no they're out of town for the next 2 week

Jason: good

As Jason left me up while kissing , he opened the door laying me down on the bed. I thought of giving him a lapdance so I put on neighbors know my name from trey songz and sat on his lap and started to grind on him. During the song he stood up and took off his shirt and all I saw was 8 pack juicy meat right in front of me. He layed me down kissing me I took off my shirt and had under a purple bra. As we was making love he pulled down his pants and had left on his boxers. I said I'll BRB to get something from the kitchen

When I was walking down the hallway I peek on Jason he was on my bed chilling waiting for me to come I quickly shut off the lights opened the door with 2 candles in my hands

Jason: candles?

Deena: I thought it would be more romantic

Jason : it would be nice idea ma

Deena : it's better in the dark then the light

So I put the two candles on different dressers and this happend

Jason: baby why don't u come here with daddy and let me show you something

Deena:ooh dirty I see

5mintues later

Deena : ohh mhhh right there!!!!!

Jason: oh shit!

Deena: do u love me?!

Jason: yeah!Oh Damn!

Deena: do u want me uh?

Jason: I do ohhh shit!!

Deena: yeah!!!

Jason: right there?

Deena: uh-huh ohhh! ! ! !

Jason : oh shit fuck!!!!

Deena: baby ohhh fuck

Sarah pov:

Why isn't Deena answering her phone and why is her door crack open Deena's in trouble
As I opened her door I saw pictures crooked on the wall a matches on the kitchen counter burned up the hallway was dark and I heard a scream so I took her brothers bat and bust open the door and turned on the lights and all I saw was Jason and Deena having sex inside the blankets but there upper body wasn't under the blankets they saw me and Screamed so did I


De: what the hell!! Sarah?

Ja: don't scare the shit at of me !!!

Sar: I had no idea you guys were having sex I thought de was in trouble cuz I saw the matches
And the screaming

Later on

Deena and ja put back on they're cloths back on

As they were talking

Sarah: do u smell smoke?

Deena: my bed room

Jason: oh shit

When all three opened Deena room do they saw everything on fire

De, ja ,sar : Oh no ( coughing and Screaming)


Jason: deena! !!! Sarah!!!!!!

Deena : Jason! !!!!!!!!!!(coughing )

Sarah:Jason Deena! !!!!! (Coughing)

Jason : Every thing is on fire we need to get out of here!!! (Coughing)

Deena: I need to go get all the money in my parents room! (Coughing )

Sarah: are u crazy (coughing) !!!!

Jason: baby don't!!!!(coughing)

Deena: (coughing) I have to its a fire proof box go!!!!

Deena went inside the parents room and went to get the fire proof box filled with money

Sarah: no Deena !!!!!! (Chocking, coughing)

Jason: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Coughing)

Wow can't u belive that thanks for reading this chapter and my parents actually have a fire proof boxes filled with old stuff they got that back then around early 2000's so yeah thanks and bye luv u

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