I'm on my way

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When Jason told me I felt so alful so I made it up to him all week me and him had our couple time

Friday 2 weeks before prom

Deena : then that then I beat the crap out of tiffany

Jason: dang ma all because of one rumor

Deena : yep

( phone rings)

Deena : yeah ,ok thank u so much !!

Jason: who was that

Deena : the guy he said the limo is ready so we can go look at it and after we go check our outfits For prom

When we went to Manhattan to car zone we saw our limo and inside was amazing the dico ball, cup holders a mini pool this was amazing I took the pictures and send them to the squad and they loved it to, we paid for it and went to DaVinci to check our outfits

Deena : hi I'm deena Jones

Lady: oh yes I how are u?

Deena : I'm good me and my boyfriend is here to check on the prom dress

Lady : someone named tiffany Moore took it paid for it and I saw her threw it in the dump and the truck came and now it's gone

Deena: WHAT!!!! THAT MOTHER........!!!!!

Sorry it's short but the next 2 chapter are good ttyl luv kayla

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