Suicide's Victim

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Hi everyone, this is a poem i wrote for school! Its pretty dark, not for the faint hearted. 

Love you, hope you like it! xxxooo


Suicide's victim

The words are like fire,

Burning my soul

Hits are like bricks

They get harder and harder to bare

I walk the hallways

Of the devil's lair

Asking why?

Today has been worse

I feel rejected

I feel lifeless

I feel unloved

"You are a monster"

"She should die"

The echoes of their words

Line the walls

I lost this battle

Maybe I didn't try hard enough

I decided my fate

What once held me

No longer does

The bell hasn't gone

But I no longer care

I run,

I run out the classroom

I run out of school,

I run to my house,

I run to my bathroom

My saviour laid there

In the shape of a blade

It drags against my skin

My wrists are battlegrounds

I carve words

No one should know

I walk to the shed

I grab the twisted rope

I walk to the place

My last happiness lays

The tree

Where my late mother died

I pick a rose

From the garden of thorns

I place the last rose on my mother's grave

I tie the rope to the tree

I step on the stool

Place the loop around by bare neck

I stand alone

Under the tree

Where my emotions let go

I sob,

"I'm sorry,

I'm sorry,

I'm sorry"


I kick the stool

I take my last breath

The deed was done

Suicide's Victim (Poem)Where stories live. Discover now