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Hello fellow readers to what is going to be an extremely intense book! Filled with dramas, issues and incredibly plot-twisting scenes. THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN IN THIRD PERSON. There is one reason why I have done this, this is because it will spoil all the secrets and won't be as intense if I had written it in first person. So whoever does get annoyed by this, I apologise but try your best to read it, hopefully it won't disappoint! Negative comments will be deleted as it won't be tolerated. This environment is for readers who love to read different types of books, drama, mysteries, love. Not for haters.


Another dark night filled with the constant physical, emotional and mental abuse, hurt and pain that her so-called "step-father" inflicted on her every single night in this house filled with abuse had come. The front door slammed shut and she whimpered instantly due to the fact that she knew what was to come.

"Oh Alexa! I'm home, honey!" Her step-father, Richard laughed sickly as he stomped on the stairs, one step at a time which made her heartbeat increase and hide under her bed. His smell made her nose scrunch up as he entered her room.

"Come on hunny. It'll be easy. Don't make me do this the hard way." He warned in a strict voice as he grabbed Alexa's ankles and yanked her out from under the bed. She screeched and screamed, she couldn't do this anymore... Her thoughts penetrated her mind, she was going insane. She had to get out of this hell.

He slid his dirty hands into her pants as he slammed her on the bed. "Stop." Alexa cried. She looked at him, his beard was long and disgusting, with crumbs scattered everywhere. His brown dirty hair was a mess. His teeth yellow and broken due to the amount of alcohol and cigarettes he consumed daily. His beer gut squashing her as he hovered over her to keep her still.

"I thought all these years, you would understand. If you don't keep still, I'm going to make it harder hunny." He spoke with gritted teeth as she felt a sharp pain across her jaw. He punched her and she could feel the familiar taste of blood circulating in her mouth. He ripped her shirt and bra off and continued his dirty assault. Alexa let the darkness consume her as her mothers face was the last thing that she had remembered that night.



In my dream, my mother was back and God, she was beautiful, she was standing in front of me with tears in her eyes. She was wearing a gorgeous white gown filled with red, brown, blue and white crystals. Her blonde hair was curled to perfection as she stared at me.

"Mom! Help me!" I screamed, I tried to step forward towards her but my feet couldn't move. I looked down as the forest we were standing in filled with water, the water slowly rose up my legs as I started to panic. I scrunched my nose as I looked up, the trees lit on fire. I screamed. "Mom! Help please!" The wind picked up, making my mothers dress fly everywhere. My long black hair went in all directions, left, right, back, forwards - you name it. I looked at the rising water again as it suddenly drained and the ground was filled with rocks and dirt. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as the rocks slowly rose from the ground and shook. I looked back at my mother.

"Fire, Water, Earth and Air. You'll finally discover what you were meant to be Alexa. I'm sorry you've had to find out like this." She whispered loud enough for me to hear, her eyes filled with worry and pain as she slowly vanished from my sight.


Alexa woke up with a thin layer of sweat covering my body. She thrashed in the bed sheets to find drops of blood on her white sheets from the assault from Richard. She was so terrified of him, her worst nightmare and enemy.

Alexa looked at the time, right now Richard would be drinking in a bar even though it had just hit 9:00AM. She rolled her eyes in disgust and ran into the shower, ignoring all the pains and aches in her body from the last assault. She stripped off her dirty clothing and ferociously scrubbed her body clean from the blood. She brushed her teeth, washed her face and got changed into a a large sweater and a pair of leggings. She pulled her jet black hair into a ponytail and applied some makeup to make her look and feel less 'dead'.

She walked through the dirty living room and saw an old photo of her mother in a smashed glass frame which was hung on the cream coloured wall. Her home used to be beautiful, with it neatly decorated and well-taken care of. Alexa's mother died in a car accident, which was when Richard went crazy, he ruined her life, it was as if it was her fault that Alexa's mother had died. They were the perfect family, with weekend adventures to the park and the beach, family nights and picnics every afternoon. Richard loved Alexa's mother, Cathy, more then life itself. Some nights after Richard had assaulted Alexa, she could hear him crying in his pillow, screaming her mothers name.

After reminiscing on the good and horrible memories, Alexa took a muesli bar and her torn bag and walked out the door for school. Alexa dreaded school, she hated it with a passion. Another day with the people that she despises the most, her classmates.

As Alexa got to school, she spotted her best friend, Kerrie sitting on one of the silver seats with the popular guys and girls which Alexa despised. Feelings were mutual though, the popular guys and girls despised her too, according to them, she was 'weird' and an 'attention-seeker'. Alexa rolled her eyes as Kerrie spotted her and quickly farewelled the 'populars' and ran to Alexa.

"Alexa! Hey girl!" She smiled as she gave her a hug. Alexa greeted her back and continued walking with her into the hellhole people call 'school'. "Oh my god! There's this new boy at school and he is so cute! Talk to him! You guys will be so cute together!" Kerrie squealed. Alexa rolled her eyes at her best friends 'boy-craziness'.

"I'm not interested, Kerrie. You know that." Alexa rolled her eyes as she took her books from her locker and shoved them in her bag. "Oh, come on! You have to be interested! Just because the boys here aren't your type doesn't mean the new guy isn't. Trust me, when you see him, you'll fall in love instantly. I already have." She smiled dreamily as she leaned against the locker beside Alexas. "Honestly, have you ever been in love once?" Kerries smile dropped into a saddened one. Kerrie felt bad for her bestfriend, with no role model in her life. Kerrie was pretty much the only person Alexa could depend on.

"Alexa, heads!" A familiar voice yelled from behind her as she turned around, a large red water balloon came straight for her head, drenching her from head to toe. He bent over and clutched his stomach and his mouth from laughing too much. His posse of the 'populars' laughed too.

Cade. Alexa gritted her teeth together to ignore him and to contain her anger. Before Alexa knew it, Kerrie was up in Cades face, telling him off for what he had just done... Although, in the back of Alexas mind, she was used to his constant abuse. Ever since they were 15, Cade bullied Alexa for no apparent reason. Believe it or not, Cade and Alexa were best friends. But now, according to Alexa, he was just a rude, selfish mother****er.

"Don't worry about him Alex. Let's go." Kerrie said with a clenched jaw as she grabbed Alexas arm gently and dragged her soaking body to the bathroom to dry her shivering body off.

Under the hand dryers, Kerrie helped Alexa dry her hair, body and clothes. Kerrie applied quick foundation and powder to Alexas face before leaving. She hugged Alexa and apologised for Cades selfish and rude behaviour. Alexa just shrugged, she was used to it.

As Kerrie and Alexa walked into Biology, always late as usual, they both realised that there was something different.

The new guy.

Alexa quickly looked away as she took the last available seat which was right next to him. She scolded herself for coming so late. He had a natural tan, with blue eyes and light messy hair. His chest was sculptured perfectly with the jawline of a God. It took all of Alexas ability to not look at him one more time. His eyes were burning into the side of Alexas head. She could feel it.

"Good Morning class!" Mr Morgan announced. "Today we have a new student joining us named Brandon."

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