Character info

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       ***AUTHORS NOTE ***
Sorry I forgot to mention on how the characters Nayumi and Nezumi are well then here we go
Nayumi Hamada
Age: 15
Personality: hard working and kind hearted always puts others before herself
What she looks like: has long white hair with a bit of grey, brown eyes and always wears a dark brown cape and black dress underneath
Talents: Singing and most likely drawing (loves singing more) and playing the piano and violin

Nezumi Higurashi
Age: 17
Personality: cold hearted around others except for Nayumi
What he looks like: white hair that's black at the bottom,navy blue eyes, tall, handsome and cute (only cute when he smiles) wears black pants and a loose long sleeved shirt
Talents: Singing and playing the piano

There you have it folks now you may continue reading these character images in your head thank you!!^_−

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