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By the time Archie came to, he found himself in what looked like a jail cell. His head was pounding and he felt sick as he tried to get to his feet, though he felt so dizzy that he didn't risk it, instead remaining seated on the ground. While the sailor was trying to shake off the daze, a woman in police uniform stood on the other side of the bars, a severe look on her face.

"So, you were apparently caught breaking and entering in Seaworld, and you assaulted several staff members. Not only that, but you were found in an area off-limits to the general public. Care to explain yourself... mister...?" She prompted him as she questioned him.

"It's Archie. And whaddya mean I assaulted those men? I only knocked 'em out 'cuz I had ta rescue a friend a' mine." He didn't think it important to mention that Maxie was his lover, yet. The police officer glared at him. "Look, they were gonna try and kill him if I didn't do nothin'!"

"... The men were trying to subdue a dangerous creature and you prevented them from doing that. Don't tell me your friend is this dangerous creature?"

Archie sighed heavily. He was going to have to tell her. "Alright, alright. Look, that 'dangerous creature' weren't dangerous at all. If yer talkin' about the half-man, half-fish guy there... that's someone I care about a lot. And I was able ta get him into Seaworld so he could get a taste a' the sea, but it all went wrong when the guys started brandin' him as bad. I had ta get him outta there but they were shootin' harpoons at him! What else was I supposed ta do?!"

"Let them do their job?" The police officer didn't seem convinced.

"Ya mean..." Archie found the willpower to stand, anger burning in his eyes as he glared at the officer. "Ya mean I shoulda just let 'em kill him? Fuck that! What he did were a tragic accident but that don't mean he should be killed fer it!" He paced back and forth behind the bars. "I gotta get out there and find him 'cuz they wounded him. He's prolly wonderin' where I am right now..."

"Well, you're staying in custody until further notice." The officer was stern. "But I suppose I can let you call someone." She passed Archie an old cellphone. The sailor punched in a number and waited for it to pick up.

"Yo, Shells, it's Archie. We got a situation. I dunno where Maxie's gone and I can't find him. He was last with me at Seaworld, and until I get outta this place with the Officer Jenny wannabe, I can't do nothin'. Just keep everythin' among Aqua fer now, not sure if any of Team Magma knows 'bout what happened with their leader but I don't wanna cause any panic yet. 'Cuz he turned into a damn merman. Keep me posted." He hung up the call and passed the phone back. The officer shot him a glare before she stormed off.

*  *  *

Maxie had been drifting in and out of consciousness for some time, but the unmistakeable burning in his chest meant he was out of the water. Unable to breathe with a harpoon piercing his gut, not the best situation to be in. He couldn't even stop the tears rolling down his cheeks and he hated it. A visual sign of weakness.

Where was Archie? Surely he couldn't be far. It was then that he felt a pair of strong hands grip him around the waist and toss him unceremoniously in a tank of water. Well, at least he'd be able to breathe again, and as he looked down at the tears he'd wiped from his eyes, he noticed that the liquid was shimmering gold. How strange...

With his strength returning a little, his hands found the shaft of the harpoon and began to pull, trying to remove the offending metal from his body. He had to stifle a pained cry as he tugged, but the harpoon wouldn't come free, and he could see streaks of red stain the water with each pull. It looked like he wouldn't be able to remove it.

"I wouldn't even bother trying." The voice was definitely male, though there was a cold edge to it. "It isn't as if you can get help out here. You're all alone and all mine to do with as I please... something I have waited for in a long time..." Stepping out of the shadows, the man revealed himself, smirking at the merman in the tank.

"... Steiner." Maxie growled, recognising the face immediately. "It doesn't matter what form I'm in, you are never taking over Team Magma." And then a smirk crossed his lips, somewhat strained. "Also, with this honour code of yours... isn't what you're doing going completely against it? I thought a Kantonese samurai never abandoned his honour."

Steiner seemed unphased. "I have waited too long for the perfect moment to finally overpower you and gain control of your team. You have grown soft, Maxie. Yes, the others may have accepted the peace but I should continue where you left off. Is that not what you wanted? To expand the land by awakening Groudon?"

"Times change, Steiner..." Maxie grunted as he shifted his body to face the man more fully. "After the last time we awakened Groudon, it would be unwise to do so again. We could have destroyed Hoenn."

The argument continued for a while, with Steiner trying to justify his recent actions and Maxie talking him down, until eventually the samurai turned his back. "All I will say is this, Maxie. As you are, you have no hope of leading your team. How can a team who swear on the land take their leader seriously if he is a water dweller?"

Maxie said nothing in response. Instead he would plot Steiner's downfall. Though, he did have to wonder. Did Steiner have anything to do with his current situation? It seemed incredibly likely.

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