chapter 5

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Nico's POV

I was pretty PO'ed at Tris for giving me a practically impossible task to catch mice for Otter and Turtle. With a kitchen knife. Seriously. I thought of just going to a pet store and buying some mice,but knowing her she would notice and probably punish me by making me lick Turtle' s kittens clean when there born or something. Well better get looking or I will be licking a sack off a newborn kitten.
I decided to climb a tree so I wouldn't scare the mouseies away. I was walking up in the trees when I came to the edge of a clearing. Hoping for a few mice to be there I jumped from the tree and praying that I was silent enough to get some mice, or voles but no such luck. I continued my 'journey'

Tris's POV

It was 2 in the morning and I was still waiting for Nico to come back. I finally went over to Lizzie and Leo's
Apartment and asked for them to help me look for Nico. When I asked her she gave me a kind of knowing look then called for Leo.
"Tris is looking for Nico, and she needs our help."
They seemed to have a silent chat between them because their facial expressions kept changing as they looked at each other.
I guess I should explain the time schedule for the 'riverhood' as we like to call it. You wake up at about noon, move sluggishly around for like 6 hours, and then when evening kicks in you start doing stuff. Like hunting, looting your parent's houses, stargazing, climbing trees, practicing your knife-throwing skills, and doing stuff in general and we never wear shoes, because they limit the grip on our feet. Us wild chillins ,as we like to call ourselves, eat wild things like plants, deer (which is a very rare and happy situation that usually calls for a party) berries and nuts.
All of the common food like yogurt and granola bars is looted from our parents houses, (which we chose to leave because we were free spirits, that were crammed in a bedroom at night.) And bedtime is usually at 5 or dawn. We only see our parents on visiting day or the occasional busted looter. I don't really know if my parents miss me or not but I don't care. Me and Lizzie are runaways but Leo is an orphan, his dad left his mom when he was a baby and his mom died when he was 8.

ANYWAY...back to life

We decided we should split up and if we don't find him in 30 minutes then we would regroup in The Hool...
A large hollow oak tree in the middle of the forest, and start searching together. We don't need flashlights, our night vision is perfect, with the exception of Leo. But we wouldn't need it anyway, we know every inch of the woods. We don't find anything searching alone. As soon as we regrouped we climb into the trees and run/jump from every tree to the next, so gracefully that it doesn't even shake the branch. Out of the corner of my eye I see a dark shape move through the woods. I put my hand up and whispered to them " stay here but if it's Nico leave, i''ll take care of it."
I jumped to the next tree and crouched in the shadows, waiting for the right moment. And it comes. I jump from the tree and knock him down, we roll and land behind a clump of bushes. I hear rustling and laughter that finally fades into the distance, then I turn and I saw Nico watching me. I can't believe what I did next, I hugged him. And started to sob
"I was s-s-so worried that you were dead or hurt and---" he cut me of with a kiss. I kissed back. Then he started to laugh and groan at the same time.
"Shit." He said
"What? Do I kiss bad?" I said with mock worry.
"No. I just didn't catch any mice."
I laugh and kiss him again,then grab the knife from his belt
"Look,you dumbass."
I press one of the screws on the hilt and it klicks. I unfurled the 5 throwing knives, pull him up by one of his hands, and drag him into a tree. I show him the knives and cut a chunk of bark off. "Leo made them for me." I sit there and wait for 5 minutes. then I chuck all 5 knives at once. I jumped down and ran to the firs one. A mouse is impaled to the ground along with four others.
"How's that for precision?"

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