chapter 8

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Tris's POV

I woke up feeling nauseous. I ran to the river and puked my guts out. Nico came out and held my hair back for me. He was still half asleep so he looked like a bored cat. He picked me up bridal style and carried me back inside. He set me on the pile and gave me some coke. I looked down and he was only in his underwear. I giggled
"Why are you only in your underwear?" I croaked
He looked down. "I have no clue but I'm gonna get dressed."

The same thing happened every day. Tris threw up, but only in the morning. And she started to realize the reason.

"Nico I think I need to go to the doctors." I said
He got a worried look on his face" what's wrong? Are you ok?"
I smiled. "I'm fine. I just want to see what's going on."
I called my parents and asked if they could drive me and Nico to the hospital. We walked through the forest to my parents house. My dad was at work so my mom was the only one there.
"Hi sweetie. Who is this?"
She asked nodding towards Nico.
"This is my boyfriend Nico, Nico this is my mom. We need to leave soon so let's cut the crap."
We got in the car and started our hour long drive to the hospital. Nico's hand slipped into mine and squeezed.
My mom put on the radio. It was playing 'good for you' by Salina Gomez.

(Spongebob narrator voice)
One hour later....

We got to the hospital and me, Nico, and my mom were sitting in the waiting room.
"Tris Corin? Your up!"
I squeezed Nico's hand and followed the doctor into the room.
"So, what seems to be the problem, miss Corin?"

"Call me Tris. Every morning I wake up feeling nauseous. I throw up and then I am totally fine for the rest of the day. I know it's not E coli or the bug because it's all out in one go in those cases. What do you think it is?"

"Well, I will have to run some tests first, then we might get the gist of what's going on. You have a boyfriend you say?"


"I see... do you live with anyone that has been sick resently?"

"Well not the contagious type of sickness. My best friend Lizzie is pregnant with her boyfriend Leo's baby. And we live next door to each other."

"How far along is she?"

"A month."

"Tell her to come in for a checkup will you?"

"She already did."

"Good. My nurse will come in and take some urin samples, and I will get the tests out to you in about an hour."

"Thanks doc."

"Call me Fredrik."

I peed in a cup and handed it to the nurse, then walked back out to the waiting room. Nico was taking a video with my phone. my mom was putting bunny ears on him.
"And here is the queen herself!" he turned the camera around and video taped me sitting down in my chair.
I smiled and waved elegantly
"What are you doing with my phone, Nico?"
"Well first I read all of your texts." He counted them down on his fingers. "Then I played hungry shark and ate a person that looked exactly like you, then I looked at all of your snapshots. That one where your cousin was under laughing gas to get her wisdom teeth pulled out was hilarious. Then I watched all of your truth or dare videos. That one where Leo had to look like he was preparing a romantic dinner for Turtle and him was just weird. then I watched the Drivers ed skit you did with your cousin Brian and you were like 'what does that say? Operating instructons?' And he was all like ' No it says YOU SUCK! And wear a helmet because this is a doomsbuggy. Vroom Vroom!'" He made a girly voice for me." And then he yelled 'look! it's raining POP ROCKS!' And you were both laughing hysterically. Then--"
"Ok when did you find the time to watch all this? The drivers ed skit alone was like 15 minutes." I asked
"I have my ways."
"Miss Corin?" A nurse walked up to us.
"We got your test results in. You might want to bring him in too."
She pointed at Nico.
I told my mom to stay here, And walked into the room. I noticed Nico was still recording on my phone. I had a feeling we wanted to get this on video.
"Please, sit both of you."
The doc told us.
We sat down and Nico set the camera up against him.
"Your Tris's boyfriend right?"
Nico nodded
"Well, I have some big news for both of you! Tris you are PREGNANT!!!!"
Nico's eyes got as big as doughnuts. He shivered. I smiled. he leaped up and picked me up bridal style, and started kissing me all over my face and neck. The doctor picked up my phone off the ground and continued video tapeing us.
Nico kept stareing at my stomach.
"Sooo ...there's a baby in there?"
"Yes, you idiot."
"My baby. My baby. My baby."
He kept mumbling as he stared at my stomach. He poked it like someone would poke a dead animal with a stick.
"Yes. Your baby.My baby. Our baby."
I took his face in my hands and kissed him.
He smiled
I was crying, he was smiling like a crazy man.
He set me down. The doc laughed
"That's the best celebration I have had in this room concerning babies. Usually it's thirty year olds jumping up and down like crazed teen girls at a Macy's sale, yelling' we did it!'"
I said
"Yeah" He shrugged
He gave me my phone back and I turned it around.
"This is a video of your mom and dad when they found out there was a you! Say hi Dada!"
I turned it around so it was facing Nico.
"Hi baby. How ya doin'? Well, if your lookin for a good time, just call. I am always available."
He said in a deep, sexy, voice.
I giggled. "You freak of a boy!"
I said in the same voice.
I turned it so we were both in the picture.
"This is mom and dad signing off."
I clicked off the video.
The doc chuckled.
"You two. The youngest of my patients to be preggers. You need to be careful."
"I will."
"Bye and thanks."
We walked out of the room back to my mom. She must of thought something was up because (a) I had tears all over my face (b) because Nico looked like he had seen a ghost/ unicorn and(c) because we were both in zombie mode.
"Are you ok?"
"I am better than ok."
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you in the car."

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