End Of Tour

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I took a picture of the passing scenery and posted it on my Instagram. "Finally headed home." was the caption. I loved tour and all but, I missed my babies. And, I did it get in a lot of trouble. I got arrested five time I think. I have a court hearing monday in California. It's Saturday today. I'm a little nervous to be honest. But, I mean, I did a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't have. I don't regret doing it, but, I know as a mother, I shouldn't be doing those things.

"Jake, how much longer til we get home?" I asked. He didn't answer. He can't still be mad. Oh, yeah let me tell you what happened.


"Well, for starters..." I started. I looked at him. "I did use to do a few drugs. Not anything hard. Just mainly smoking weed. I admit, I tried other stuff but, I didn't like it. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to look at me any different. I used to party. A lot. Fight, a very lot. I was arrested 15 times. Twice for underage drinking. Thirteen for fight. I was court ordered to go to anger management which I completed and I was better. I did my community service then everything was swept under the rug. When I turned 18, my record was clean." I told them. He was shocked and mad.

"Why did you yell me all this?!?! I'm dating some one I hardly know!" Jacob yelled, getting up. "Jacob, I'm sorry. I didn't want you to think of me any different. I'm sorry." I told him, standing up and grabbing his hands. He jerked away. "Bella, don't touch me right now." Jacob told me.

I started tearing up. "Jacob, I'm sorry. I am. It's the past though. I wish I could change it but I can't." I told him. He looked at me for a minute then walked out of our room. I sat on our bed and the tears came down. What did I just do?

-End Flashback-

We are still dating, he just won't talk to me. "Jacob, I said I was sorry." I said, touching his shoulder. He shrugged me off. "What are we gonna do when we get home? What are we gonna do when the kids ask why you refuse to talk to me?" I asked. He still didn't answer. "Man, you know what? Fuck this." I said. I ran back to the beds and grabbed my bags. We were currently at a rest stop. We're about an hour away from home.

I got off the bus and ran in the bathroom. From there I called a cab to come pick me up. I got my credit card to pay for it. I snuck in the cab when no one was looking. I saw a flash. Oh my gosh. Here comes another article. "Where to Miss?" The driver asked. I looked at him. "Take me to the mental institute in Los Angles. It's the only one there." I told him. He nods. "I know the place." The driver told me.

I texted Zo.

Queen B- Heyy

Zo Lopez- Where the hell are you? We been looking

Queen B- I needed a break. I'm in a cab. I'll see y'all later

My phone started blowing up so, I cut it off and looked out the window. "Ay, you mind cutting on the radio?" I asked. He nods and cuts it on. 'No Love' by August Alsina and Nicki Minaj came on. Ironic. I was singing along with the radio for the whole hour.

"Thank you. How much is it?" I asked. He looked at the meter. "$40.50." He answered. I gave him a hundred dollar bill out of my wallet. "Keep the change." I told. I got my bags. "Thank you miss." He said. I smile and nod. "No problem." I told him before walking in the building.

"Hey, baby. How was tour?" Mama asked. I started crying and hugged her. "It's okay." She said, patting my back. I wiped my eyes. "I ruined my relationship. After we got just our shit together again." I said. We sat on the little couch thing. "It's okay. What happened?" She asked. I decided to start from the beginning. "We were going through a rough spot and he cheated on me. He slept with some girl. He kissed a girl in the club on tour. We made up though. We promised to work on us. But, I told him what I was like in the past. He w-won't t-talk to m-me n-now. I said sorry." I cried, stuttering.

My mom just hugged me and let me cry. "Mom what if stays made at me forever?" I asked. "He won't baby. He won't. He loves you and you love him. You were meant to be. It'll work." My mom said.

I spent the next hour with her before calling a cab. I put my bags in the trunk then told him my address. "That'll be $25." He said. I gave him $50 told him keep the change. I got my bags out and walked in the house where Rose was watching TV and Jacob was feeding JJ. "Mommy!" Rose yelled, running to me. I got on my knees and hugged her. I teared up. "Mommy. Can't. Breathe." Rose said. I laughed a little and let go. She touched my face. "Why are you sad?" She asked me. I shook my head. "Mommy's just really happy to see you right now." I told her.

"Mommy, can you make food?" Rose asked. I nod. "Let me sit JJ down." I told her. Jacob opened his arms. I handed JJ to him and quickly walked in the kitchen. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Rose asked as we made pizza. "What do you mean, mama?" I asked. "Why won't you and daddy talk? Are we gonna leave daddy?" Rose asked, on the verge of crying. I hugged her. "Oh, baby, no. Mommy and Daddy are just-. We, We. You know how sometimes Uncle Ray plays mean jokes on you and you get mad and don't talk to him?" I asked. She nods. "Well, it's kind of like that. Mommy played mean to Daddy and now he just won't talk to me. It'll be okay. Just like you and uncle Ray. I promise." I promised her. She held out her pinkie and I locked mine with it.

"Mommy, I'm going to sit with Daddy." Rose said. I looked up from the pizza I was making and nod. Then she walked in the living room.

*Rose's POV*

I sat on the couch next to Daddy. "Daddy?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "Yes, princess?" He asked. I laid on him. "I'm sleepy." I told him. Daddy laughed. "You want me to carry you." He asked. I nod and he picked me up. I laid my head on his shoulder and he carried me to my room. "I'll wake you up when dinner's done." He said. I yawned and he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, I love you." Daddy said. "I love you too. Daddy?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Are you gonna be mad at Mommy for a really long time?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, I'm gonna go talk to her right now." Daddy said. He smiled at me before walking out and closing my door. I fell right asleep.

*Jacob's POV*

I didn't know I could feel this bad. Having my daughter asking me that was the worst feeling in the world. I stood in the hall for a good five minutes before I could even move. I checked on JJ who was napping. He was still asleep. After that, I walked to the kitchen. Me and Bella gotta talk about this before it takes a toll on Rose.

I walked in the kitchen but Bella didn't realize because she was working on dinner. "Bella?" I asked. She jumped and turned around, her hand flying to her heart. "You scared me." She said before turning to work on dinner again. I walked to her. "Bella, can we talk?" I asked. She looked at me and she looked scared. "Uh, yeah. Let me put this in the oven real quick." Bella said, putting the pizza in the oven.

We sat at the table. "Jacob, are you gonna break up with me?" Bella asked after five minutes of silence. "No, no. I'm not. You stuck with me through everything." I told her, quickly. "I really am sorry. I wish I could change what I did but I can't." Bella said, tearing up. I grabbed her hands. I looked at her ring and smiled. "Baby, you stayed with me when I cheated on you. You deserve so much better than me. I'm sorry I was ignoring you. I just didn't know how to deal with it. But you stopped. I stopped cheating. I want to marry you." I told her. She smiled and I kissed her.

"So, we good?" Bella asked after we pulled back. I smile. "We're always good, baby." I told her. She smiled then the oven timer went off. Was the kiss really that long?

I got on my twitter. There was the thing about our new reality series. I confirmed that. The cameras were all set up and they said they have camera men for when we go places. Then the 'news' that was break up rumors. It was pictures of Bella getting in the cab. I denied them by saying "No, we're still together. Forever and always with my baby. She just went to see her mom and I went to see mine. I love you baby. Bella Perez." I posted it then went and wrapped my arms around her waist.

I kissed her neck and rested my chin on her shoulder. "I love you." I told her. She smiled and patted my arms. Bella turned her head and kissed my cheek. "I love you, too." She told me. This is my forever.

What do you think? Bella's court date? That's gonna be the next chapter. Please comment/vote. Or both. It really only takes like five seconds. Let me know what you think. I need feedback.

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