The Wedding Part Two

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Me and Jacob were dancing and having the best time. "Bella?" Jacob asked. I looked up at him and smiled. "Yes, Jacob?" I asked. He smiled and kissed me. "I love you." He said, resting his forehead against mine. I smiled bigger. "I love you too." I said.

"Okay, well, now, a few people get to say a few words." Zo announced. I smiled. All of them said things and so did Rose. Rose's speech was sweet. I'm glad I recorded it. "My mommy and daddy told me when I get really old, like 40, they're gonna let me get ready but, I have to live with them. Because I'm gonna be there little princess forever. They're gonna be my mommy and daddy forever. I'm happy they got married because mommy REALLY wanted too." Rose started. Everyone laughed, including me. "Mommy told me as soon as she got home. I was really happy. Cause now we can have a real family, like mommy used to tell me about." She finished. Everyone awed. She walked off the stage and hugged me and Jacob and told us she loved us. We said it back before she sat at her table with the kids.

"Well, I've known you as long as Jacob has and we've had a crazy time. But, I loved finding out that you are actually my sister. I'm proud of you. I haven't known you our whole lives but, I've heard from you what you used to be like. I'm proud of the woman you've become. And Jacob, you're my bro and I love you as a brother. But, if you hurt my baby sister, I know how to use a gun. And you can't hide. But, I know you won't hurt her. I love you Bella and my now actual brother, Jacob. Congratulations!" Santo cheered. I smiled. Santo walked off stage and over to us and hugged me then dapped Jacob.

The speeches went on and all of them were great and sweet. Then it was time to dance, 'Like, I'm Gonna Lose You'(Play the song in MM) started playing and everyone danced. I danced with Jacob. "Are you having a good time?" Jacob whispered. I smiled. "Of course, it's our wedding." I whispered back. Jacob twirled me around and then we stayed side to side again. "I'm glad. I love you, Bella." Jacob said. I smiled. "I love you too." I said.

"Jacob?" I said. "Yes, love?" Jacob asked. I stretched on my tippy toes so that I could whisper in his ear. "I want another baby now that we're married." I whispered. Jacob wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me where I was. "We can definitely work on that." Jacob whispered in my ear. I smiled and got off my tippy toes. Jacob winked at me and I blushed. I went to step back but, Jacob still had arms around my waist so, he pulled me closer. "Don't go anywhere, mami. I wanna dance with you." Jacob said. I smiled and we started dancing again.

"So, you really wanna baby?" Jacob asked. I nod. "When do you want a baby? A year? A month? A day?" He asked. I giggled. "I want a baby in here soon." I said, putting his hand on my stomach. Jacob smiled. "Alright, mama. We'll work on that. Some on the honey moon, some after. Sound good, babe?" He asked. I nod. "Sounds perfect, papi." I said. Jacob chuckled.

"You ready, Mrs. Perez?" Jacob asked. I nod. "Yes, Mr. Perez." I said, taking his hand. We started walking out the door and we got out there, everyone was clapping, on both sides of us. Me and Jacob walked down to the car and everyone threw flowers and rice.

Jacob helped me in the car and then got in the other side. We were both in the backseat and Santo was driving. Jacob's mom is on her way to our house with the kids and after Santo drops us off at the airport, he's going back to our house and Jacob's mom is gonna stay with him to help him with Rose and JJ.

"Bye, baby sister. Have fun. I love you, B." Santo told me. I smiled and hugged him. "I love you too, Santo. Be careful, okay? Have fun with the kids, mama will whoop them when they're bad, I know you won't." I said. Santo chuckled and held me tighter. "Be careful." He told me. I nod and I started tearing up. "I will, Santo." I said, my voice cracking. Me and Jacob are gonna be gone for a week, for the past two years, me and Santo have never been apart for much time.

Santo had tears too. "Don't cry, Bella." Santo said. I laughed and wiped my eyes. "I'm trying, this is hard." I said, starting to cry. Santo pulled me in another bear hug. "It's okay, B, you'll be back in a week. And I'm really uncomfortable saying this, but, Jacob will keep your mind off of it almost the whole honey moon judging by what he told the guys." He paused and shuttered while I giggled. "But, it's okay, you'll be back before you know it." Santo told me. He let go of me and kissed my forehead. "I love you, be careful." Santo told me, hugging me one last time.

Santo dapped Jacob. "Take care of my sister bro. Be careful and have fun." He told Jacob. Santo even hugged Jacob. Jacob hugged back. "I will." Jacob told him. Then we walked to board the plan. I turned and looked back at Santo who was watching us leave. Why is this so hard? I smiled and waved, feeling my throat close. Santo waved back. I ran back and hugged him again. He hugged back again. "B, you're gonna miss your flight." Santo said. I started crying again. "I don't want to. Everything is gonna change." I cried. "What do you mean?" Santo asked. "I'm gonna be married and a mother. It's gonna be different." I said. Santo hugged me tight. "And you are still gonna be my little sister. That's not gonna change. I'm always gonna be here for you. I'm still gonna see you all day everyday, I promise. I'm not even gonna move out until you and Jacob get tired of me and throw me out, okay? Call me when you land. Now, go before you miss your flight." Santo said. I hugged him again. "Thank you." I said. Santo smiled at me and then I ran back to Jacob.

"You okay, babe?" Jacob asked. I nod. "Yeah, I'm fine." I told him. Jacob kissed me. "Let's go then, Mrs. Perez." Jacob said. I smiled and took his hand. "I love you." He told me. "I love you too." I said. Then we boarded the plane.

I know, I know, it's short. Extremely short. Sorry. But, I wanted to update. It's been a while since I have. The next chapter is the honey moon and Santo and Mrs. Perez(Jacob's mom, not Bella) with the kids. I have a very important question, should Santo get a girlfriend (He has a baby on the way by Ally, remember?) and if so, who should she be? See how important that is? Bella and Santo have a very close brother-sister relationship, that's a good thing, right? Or will it cause problems with Jacob and Bella? Bella wanting another baby? Vote? Comment? Yeah? No? Please? It'd be very nice if y'all would give me feedback. I read the comments. Vote/comment please.


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