When Jak tropically arrived on Mars, what he saw shocked him so much that he couldn't believe how surprised he was at that very moment. He had never been so shocked and also surprised at the same time ever before. What he saw would shock not just le him, but also you, me, and Dennis L. Hunt. What he had le seen made conspiracy theorists look credible. He saw the planet Mars. But not how it looked in all of the pictures the government released, but it looked like Earth. In fact, it looked exactly like earth, just a little bit more red. The le houses, stores, and buildings all looked like what you would see on earth. And there were aliens roaming the area, each of all different colors. They looked like what all of the le stereotypical aliens from the le hollywood movies be lookin' like, you know, with no nose and all, lol. After Jak was exploring the landscapes for a while, the effects of the le pills Jayce had taken by accident worn off and he had gotten off of Jak's back.
"Oh, man, are we back on earth, to be honest?" Jayce asked to his radical buddy, Jak. "Not yet. We're actually on Mars." Jak answered with a cool yet caring attitude in his voice, "You can tell because everything is ever so slightly red." "Oh yeah." Jayced replied. Everything was coming together just nicely.
"Hey, Jak, can I ask you something?" Jayce asked to the guy named Jak who was walking next to him on Mars.
"You just did, to be honest." Jak smirked, in an actually kind of rude way that just triggered me.
"No I mean..."
"What, fam?"
"Do you have any food in your backpack? I feel like I haven't eaten in days."
"Who carries food in their backpack, lol?"
"Well, who carries pills and sledgeha--" Before Jayce could finish the thing he was about to say, his eyes moved over into the direction of a carnival. "Carnivals have food." He thought to himself. "We should go to the carnival!" He recommended to Jak. "Oh," Jak thought that was a great idea, "Sure thing, Jayce!"
It was their lucky day, because when they got to the carnival, they found out that the admission was free! It was ultimately the lucky days of both Jak and Jayce. And what some, including myself, might say was really, really lucky, was that there were food samples that were also le free! It was so freakishly and incredibly lucky. "Hello there, sir," the le alien who operated the free food samples said, "would you like to try some of the food that I have divided into portions here for people to eat for free?" "Heck yeah, to be honest!" Jayce said with a hungry grin on his, and only his face. He hadn't eaten for like a week, so when he took a bite of one of the portions of the le food available for consumption, he was mighty delighted.
"But remember, sir," the alien started again, "after consuming the portion of food I've made available to you, remember to drink some of the liquids I have portions of here, too! Every last drop."
"Lol, what?" Jayce questionnaired, "Why, to be honest?"
"JUST DO IT!!" The alien shouted kind of loud.
Jayce did as the alien said not because he trusted him, but because he was honestly a little scared of extraterrestrials screaming at le him. After having eaten the portion of food and drinking the le portion of liquids the alien at the carnival had to offer him, Jayce and Jak decided to browse the other exciting things that the le carnival on Mars had in store for them. Out of all of the attractions to choose from, the one that interested them the most was the le ferris wheel. Both Jak and his best friend, Jayce, have never been on one in both of their entire lives collectively. When they sat in one of the many seats of the ferris wheel together, they noticed the looseness of the seat they were sitting in and the squeaky noises it was making. So much for aliens being superior and more advanced technology-wise than us from the le planet Earth. The ferris wheel stopped moving when they were at the very top. From up there, Jak saw something that inspired him so much that he was experiencing what I, in my own words, like to call, "inspiration." He, with his amazing eyes, saw a gigantic rocket ship deep within the distance.
"Jayce!" Jak began, "Do you see that big rocket ship over there, fam?"
"No, I don't, to be honest." Jayce answered honestly.
"Well, I do, and I think we could use it to get le back home!"
"Let's try it!"
The two of them shook their seat back and forth until they fell through the part where their legs hang out. Jayce screeched in pain really loud when he fell onto the ground, partly because he le broke Jak's fall, and because he heard a cracking sound coming from his foot when he landed.
"Excuse me, Mr. Alien, sir, do you know where the le giant rocket ship is?" Jak asked to the nearest alien person to him.
"Alien?" The alien countered, "If anything, you too are the aliens, lol!"
"Oh, whatever, to be honest, fam." Jak mumbled out loud. "Come on Jayce, let's get outta here!"
"Aight, bruh." Jayce added sensiquensial-ly.
So Jak and Jayce went running around all over the weird alien town on Mars until, after a lot of searching, twists, and turns, they found the thing they had been looking for for a long amount of time, AKA, the one and only, the giant rocket ship. But they couldn't just go inside of it and fly away, oh le no, it was on the top of a tall building with guards protecting it. "Well, it look's like we're not gonna be able to get inside of the building, to be honest, with those guards there." Jak said depressingly. But for the first time in this entire adventure, Jayce felt a rush of energy, and said, "We should make a le run for it. We should just run past the guards and get into the rocket ship!" Jak could not believe what sounds were going into his ear at that place in le time. It was so bold and motivational. "Alright, fam, let's do it!" Jak agreed.
They ran past the guards! They ran into the building, and ran up the stairs, and were about to go into the rocket ship when at the last second they had gotten trampled by the alien guards. They were, literally, so close. Jak and Jayce ended up being put in a le holding cell, where all but one of them had lost all hope. "I guess you were right, bruh," Jayce started, "we were destined to fail."
"Jayce, to be honest, never give up," Jak began as he took out some more pills from his le backpack, making sure they had the right label, "if we take these pills I guarantee we'll turn into liquid, then we can slide under the metal bars out to freedom!"
"Wow, that's cray-cray in a good way right there, y'all." Jayce said in a melancholy hyperkinetic-standpoint kind of way.