Question #3

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Q- Where do you get your inspiration?

A- This has to be my favorite question yet! I get my inspiration from basically everything! If I hear a song on the radio I like, I associate it with a Hetalia character and thus a story/ oneshot is born! I also am very inspired by my followers and my friends. They say some funny stuff sometimes! I also love reading other successful fan fic authors. I love reading them! I get so many ideas! And finally I think my last form of inspiration, has to be (as cliché as it sounds) people. I watch people where ever I go (this is starting to sound creepy). I sometimes I see people so things or say things and I think "whoop one shot!" It might sound stalkerish and strange but that's what I do.

XD I hope I didn't ramble on!

Thanks for the best question! I'm not sure if I'm following you but as soon as I can! I will!

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