Entered into Rest

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Raphael emerged from the sewers, careful to ensure that no one else was around. He was alone. Good.

It had been a long and strenuous week at the lair. The amount of Foot activity in the city had increased ten fold and the turtles were exhausted. But even a week of destroying Foot bots wasn't enough to satisfy Raphael. He itched for the freedom of topside. He needed this. He needed release.

That's why he'd arranged this meeting.

He'd called Casey first, but the human had a championship hockey game tonight. So, after much deliberation, Raphael had finally pushed all inhibitions aside and called Slash, who'd agreed to meet him for some late night bad-guy-bashing.

Red bandana tails twirled in the breeze as Raph emerged on the rooftops. His eyes were white with focus as he stealthily navigated across the New York skyline.

Jumping easily from one roof to the next, the hotheaded turtle proceeded closer to his destination. Every so often he would pause to unsheathe his sais and whirl around, just to make certain no one was following him. Then, satisfied that no one was there, he would sheath his weapons and move on.

He perched on the corner of a large warehouse and glanced down at the next roof over. A smirk spread across his shadowy features. Already here, huh?

Raph jumped and landed behind the larger turtle on the roof below. "You're early."

Slash turned around to face him with a frown. "So why'd you call me here?" Slash asked, quickly changing the subject.

Raph frowned a little and his smirk faded. "Well, we're friends, Slash. Do I need a reason to call one of my friends?"

The larger turtle shrugged his shoulders. "No, but you don't usually call me." After a moment of awkward silence, Slash once again changed the subject. "It is good to see you, brother."

Raph grinned and nodded, clapping a hand on Slash's huge shoulder. Slowly the turtle let slip the reason behind his arranging this meeting.

Slash frowned. "But if the amount of Foot activity has increased you shouldn't be out here alone. You could get hurt."

Raph rolled his eyes. "But I'm not alone." He pointed out gesturing at Slash.

Slash's eyes narrowed, but he had to admit Raphael had a point.

"I'm surprised you didn't bring your team with you." Raph remarked, eager to skirt around the whole 'shouldn't-be-topside' issue.

The big spiky turtle eyed the hothead curiously, but nevertheless, he latched onto the change of topic. "I figured something was wrong and I assumed you'd want to talk to me alone."

Raph waved Slash's inquisitive stare away. "Naw, there's nothing wrong, I just thought we could bust some heads together that's all."

Mutagen colored eyes narrowed and Slash growled. "I can tell when you're lying, Raphael."

The red masked turtle refused to meet Slash's gaze. His shoulders drooped a little and Slash frowned. That look on Raph's face never boded well.

So...something is wrong. Slash thought to himself as his eyes ran up and down Raph's frame, searching for some indication of what had occurred.

Finally after a long moment of silence Raphael shook it off. "It's nothing important. Just some things my brothers said, that's all. I'm not going to let it get to me. C'mon, let's go pound something!" The hothead stated excitedly, rushing past Slash and jumping onto a nearby rooftop, knowing that the larger turtle would follow.

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