Screw you, Smith. (Chapter 2)

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My heart began to throb and my hands began to sweat as Landon and I both looked at eachother for an conclusion.

"Uh, under the bed!" I yelled in a whisper. "What?" He said as I roughly threw him on the floor as he crawled under my king sized bed.

"Honey, you okay?" Dad said as he began to slowly peak through the door. I frantically hid under the covers to hide my almost naked body.

"Hey baby." Dad said as waked to me still in his suit from work. "Hey daddy, how was work?" I replied leaning over to give him a light kiss on the cheek. I jerked my head back as his stubble prickling my lips.

"Same ol, same ol. how about you? Whats been up?" Dad took a seat at the foot of my bed. I could still smell Lanon's body spray in the air as I prayed dad wouldn't. "Uh, I'm good. just getting some rest before the concert."

"It's almost 7:30," Dad said looking at his armani watch then back at me. "You know you girls, you should start getting ready now he gave me a friendly demanding look. I nodded in obedience and sat up begining to get out of my still cold bed.

"Oh, you're not dressed I'm sorry!" Dad stated "I'll let you get dre--" he began to say until he looked at the bottom of my bed. My eyes grew wide as saucers and my hands began to shake under the thick sheets.

Dad crossed his arms and rolled his tougue across his top teeth and looked at me then back to the ground. He began to walk towards he door, opened it and then closed it all still in my room.

My eyebrows furrorwed and I prayed Lanon would just wait until I told him to come out, yet I was wrong again.

"Thank god, I thought he was never fucking leave!" Landon said pulling his half naked body from under the bed. He stood and looked at me with a smile, it quickly faded as I motioned my eyes to my dad, he slowly did as I and I knew he was a goner.

"That's it!" Dad growled as he yanked Landon by the throat and slammed him roughly onto my wall. I quickly jumped up yelling and trying to pull dad from strangling Landon to death. "You stay AWAY from my daughter you fucking hear me?!" Dad shouted and continueing to slam Landon's frail like body onto my pink wall.

The ruckus must have startled my dad's fiance, grace because she rapidly came into my room and scanned the situation and immediately helped me pull my dad off of Landon. Cameron and Trace werent to far behind as they came in and first scanned Landon then at me, who still had barely any clothes on.

We finally got dad off of Landon, Landon quickly grabbed his shirt from the floor and ran out the door pushing Cameron and Trace out fo his way.

I wasn't as scared of dad hurting Landon, but of the eternal punishment I would have to endure shortly after. Dad began to breathe heavily and looked at me with a snarling yet disapointment look in his dark brown eyes.

"Grace, give us moment?" Dad said clenching his jaw and Grace did as she was told and hearded the two boys who towered over her out my room in less than a minute,

"So, are you going to explain to me why the hell you would let that criminal into my damn house?" Dad demanded as he rested his left hand on his hip.

"He's not a criminal!" I argued, trying to cover myself. "So the guy who was last to see his girlfriend who unexpectedly died the same day he went missing isn't a criminal? Oh exuse me!" Dad said sarcastically waving his hand in the air.

My anger got the best of me and I quickly reacted. "He's not a criminal, you don't know shit about what happened to him!" I hissed then slowly realized I just crused at my dad.

Dad tilted his head and raised his eyebrow. "Watch yourself" Dad asserted in a low voice almost too low to hear. I bowed my head and held my arms tighly.

Dad began to walk to the door and I was seconds away from releasing the biggiest sigh I had ever had, I had alreadly flew my head up and prepared for it. "You do know you you're staying in this house all weekend, right?" My head jerked towards him.

"Dad! Its a for day weekend, I already had plans!" I shrieked hoping somehow he would allow me to spend at least one day outside of the house. "Too bad." Dad said blankly and put his hand on the doorknob.

"I grabbed my phone from the floor and began to send the biggiest apology text to Landon until dad snatched it away without even looking at me. I scoughed loudly but it didn't faze him, he opened the door rationally allowing Cameron and Trace to crash to the floor. Dad raised his eyebrow and walked over them.

I gave both Trace and Cameron dirty looks that even the devil would be intimidated by. Cameron strided over to my bed and dropped to his stomach and looked under my bed. "Got anybody else under here as he looked at me with a sly smile across his lips. Trace joined in and let out a light laugh. I gave him the look of death and his smile quickly turned to a frown.

"Get.the.fuck.OUT!" I snarled rolling my eyes. "Whoa shewolf, don't kill me!" He let out a chuckle. I'm not fucking joking, cameron get out" I shouted clenching my fist as my nostrils began to flare. "No need for that fowl lanuage young lady" he responded tilting his head and patriozing me. I knew if I tried to chase him he'd outrun him so I quickly grabbed my lamp and pitched it at Cameron's big ass head.

He rationally doged him as the lamp crashed onto the wall leaving a dent on it. Dad and Grace both ran to my room and scanned it looking for item that caused them both the stop and run to me.

"Dad looked at the lamp and back at me, "Clean it now Jordyn." A small smile formed on Cameron's lips and I snapped, I grabbed his shirt and began to pound my fist on his head as we both crashed to the ground. Both Dad and Grace tried to pull me off of Cameron and who was there laughing pushing me off of him.

"I hate you!" I yelled than stormed out of MY room and to the bathroom where I slamed the door and turned on the shower, wanting to sulk in the hot water and let out all the tears of fustration I had build up in the last hour.

Surprisingly, the weekend suffiently went by fast. I read alot,watched some movies and killed some time. Still furious at dad I barely left my room other than to grab something to eat. I had a bathroom in my room so that wasn't awkward.

Everytime I'd see Cameron my blood would start to boil. I still don't think the lamp was good eneough, if I could throw a damn minivan at the bastard, I would!

My alarm woke me up the next morning. It was still dark and I hate the most severe headache. My eyesight almost began to wilt away as my head pounded from all the crying I must have did during the weekend.

I was greeted by dad and Grace in the kitchen after I got ready for school. I was still pretty pissed about what happened four days ago, but I was able to just say 'fuck it,' and deal with it.

I quickly grabbed a poptart and a water before they could question me and make things even more awkward. Now that I had my license dad allowed me to use his old jeep until one of his friends were able to buy it from him.

I started the ignition but it wouldn't start. I sighed deeply and with that a wave of emotions began swirling in my head. I shut my eyes and felt another headache form upon the one that was already jumping in my head.

Tears slowly began to trickle down my brown cheek. I gently layed my head on the crown of the stiring wheel as my emotions got the best of me. The tears began to fall harder causeing me to whimper and break down uncontrollably.

I was seconds away from heading back into my pink room, climb back into bed and sleep for the remainder of the week. I guess the four days weren't enough, until I heard a knock on the window. I jerked my head up quickly and gasped at who was behind it.. I great, this motherfucker.


andddd, this is chapter 2 c; I'm getting a few reads on this story which makes me happy.

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