Diss me diss me, now you wanna kiss me. (Chapter 6)

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I was so through with Landon at this point. I stormed off into the rain as the fall breeze began to hit me. Tears began streaming down my cheek which for some reason, really pissed me off. I wiped my face and turned my car on. I sped off on the road to my house. I quickly checked my phone to see the time but saw a text from landon, confused I assume since the text only said "???" I roared throwing my phone back into my purse focusing on the road.

I arrived home to see Cameron and 3 of his douche head friends sitting in the kitchen laughing loudly eating all of OUR food. A feeling of rage went through me and since I wasn't able to fully take my anger out on Landon I took it out on who else? these bitches.

"Yo! Did you fucking buy that?" I snapped loudly at Trace, Cameron's bestfriend.

"Did you?" Trace responded raising his left eyebrow adding a tauting smirk. I lost control of myself and threw my fist to punch him dead in the face. The 'Oooos came from the remainder two boys before Cameron dragged me off of him.

"Dude, your fucking stepsister is crazy as hell!" Trace said laughing at my sudden outburst which honestly made me even more upset the tears I tried so hard to keep in starting dripping.

"Jordyn! What the fuck is wrong with yo.." Cameron began ranting until he saw my soft brown face scrunced up with tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Jordyn, what's wron-" Cameron tried to saw sympathetically trying to comfort me by rubbing my arm.

"NOTHING!" I shouted pushing him with full force away from me. I gave him a death stare before going to my room. I slammed it intensly then flopping on my bed and letting out a long much needed crying session.

I'm the type of person who keeps alot bottled in, I mean like months of shit bottled in then whenever I cry about one thing, every single thing that hurt or bothered me gets poured out. I sunk my face into my pillow even more until I slowly drifted off to sleep with my wet clothes on and everything.


Waking up in my dark room I streched looking around, as if I could see anything. I got up and headed straight to my bathroom that I had in my room. I saw my reflection in the mirror. My makeup was all runned down & I looked a hot ass mess. I hoped in the shower washing my hair and cleaning my face off with a new wash cloth.

A half an hour I exited my room and went to the kitchen. There I saw Cameron there eating a bowl of captin crunch. He looked up at me curious on probably how I was.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the fridge which was a straight walk from the kitchen entrance. I felt Cameron's beaty ass on me and I swiftly turned at him scrunching up my nose in disgust. "What?" I roared as his face went blank then he calmly shook his head, rolling his eyes and focused back on his cereal.

I slowly turned back to the fridge and realized most of the food that Grace and dad brought just yesterday was GONE! I composed myself grabbing a pudding cup and then finding a spoon from the dishwasher. I then saw Cameron closer to me. He had a sly yet boyish smile to his face and I shot him another dirty look right where he could see it but he wasn't buying it. Maybe because he knew that I wasn't really a mean person but I just really don't like Cameron Smith.

Cameron almost had a stand off with me continuing to hold a smile and I shot him a deathful glare. I couldn't take it so I just gave up.

"You're so fucking annoying!" I said walking out the kitchen I heard a small laugh coming from Cameron I mimicked his laugh childishly while adding another immature comment. I turned on my nightlight which soon illuminated my pink room. I sat on the egde of my bed getting my phone from my nightstand to see a various amount of notifications, some from the app instagram and some are tweets made by Justin Bieber that I still get sent to my phone, yeah I'm one of those girls.

I saw another text from Landon questioning why I wasn't responding. If I was in the same place 4 hours ago I definetly would threw my phone at the wall then bawled up in a ball and cried but I'm good now. I simply plugged my phone on the charger made sure I turned on my alarm and ate my pudding while reading a book I got from some freshman who had a crush on me, I chuckled and read 3 chapters until I fell asleep.


This morning actually went by pretty fast, it didn't take me a billion years to find an outfit, stick to it and be done. I was even able to grab a bite to eat which NEVER happens. Dad was rushing but still managed to give me a hug and kiss goodbye. I just sat down and continued eating my apple jacks, god how I love apple jacks.

"Hey Jordyn, is your car working?" Grace ask with a questionable look on her face.

"Yeah, it's perfect. Why?"

Well, Cam needs a ride since I'm taking the car for an important business meeting I have to be at in ten minutes."

"Why didn't he ask me?" I asked knowing that I would say no.

"He thought you'd say no." Grace said still having a bit of doubt in her soothing high pitched voice. Cameron slowly emerged from his room in a college sweater and a pair of holister jeans.

I looked him up and down, not in disgust or even resentment but in humor, this bitch needs me. My lips formed a smile and I simply answered Grace, relieveing the stress it clearly put on her. Grace was a pretty senstive person, it was actually kind of cute. She loved everyone and was a very caring person which shocked me since she worked in poltics where they lie all the time.

"Sure." I said grinning at Cameron, who gave me a very uneasy look.

"You're a doll Jordyn!" Grace said squeezing me in a warm hug. I had to tak a step back mentally, it reminded me so much of mom, she reminded me so much of mom.

"You got 15 minutes Cam, don't get Jordyn waiting." Grace hissed softly poking Cameron's chest then she ran out the door.

I wasn't facing Cameron and a smile came upon my lips. It was silent but for some reason I was enjoying it.

"So, when are you planning to go to school? Cause I have a project due-"

"Whenever I feel like it." I asserted playing with the small O's in my cereal.

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