The Big Party

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Garnet's POV
Me, Pearl, and Amythest walked by Steven as he slept peacefully. I opens up the door, and closed it as quietly as possible. I then looked at the crowed below the temple. They were all mumbling with excitement. I raised my hands up to quite them. "We know why we are all here." I said, in a whisper, but loun enough for them to hear. "Today is Steven's 12 Birthday, and we must get ready! They then ran to get the things for the party.

Steven's POV
I woke up. I was in a nice place, filled with warmth. It reminded me of moms room, and Lion at the same time. I kept walking. At first, I was lost, but I soon found my way. I then bumped into this woman. She was sparkling, and looked like a spirit. She looked at me. It was mom. "Mo-mom?" I asked. She giggled. "Steven..." She said. "Watch out." "Huh?" I asked, as she faded away, and they clouds poofed.
~~~Dreaming End~~~
I looked up. Garnet was standing there. "Come outside, Steven." She told me. I moaned as I walked outside. I then smelt something good, that woke me up.

Pearl's POV
Steven woke up all the way. His eyes got wide. Then, everyone is Beach City shouted with pride "HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVEN!" He smiled and laughed as he ran down the stairs. I followed him after, along with Garnet, then Amythest. We all had a fun time. Eating Pizza, well, I didn't eat though. Donuts, Fries, and more stuff. We all had a fun time, until the sky got dark, then we all looked up.

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