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"Put it in your mouth and suck it." He chuckled.


"What does it taste like?"

"An orange creme sicle." I said while pulling my blindfold off.

"Correct." I began to eat it.

"How are you dead but eat as much as an elephant."

"Just because I don't need to eat does mean I don't like to." He placed a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek.

Nathan and I were laying on the deck as he quizzed me on popsicle flavors. We were said to be in the islands in 20 minutes or so. He's been very lenient with me. Even let's me go places by myself!

"We are now arriving in the beautiful islands. The boat will return January 2nd, 2016 at 9:45pm." The captain spoke over the load speaker before repeating it.

"We got here earlier than expected." Nathan stood up, completely forgetting I was sitting in his lap until my body was stretched out on the ground.

"Jessie! Baby I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" He used to superhuman speed to put me back on my feet.

"Nathan be careful! Somebody could have saw you." I whispered.

"I don't care if someone saw me. I just wanted to make sure you're alright."

"Yes, I'm fine. Now let's go get our bags before we're left." I hopped on his back and chuckled.

We grabbed our bags and walked off of the boat. Nate whistled for a cab and told the man the address. I leaned on his shoulder and closed my eyes for a little nap.

I am laying in bed without any clothes on and it was apparent that a guy is on top of me in the buff as he kisses my neck and slowly thrusts inside of me. His grunting could be heard and my moans were uncontrollably coming from my mouth. I held the back of his neck as his thrusts became harder. He lifts his head and this mysterious person isn't Nathan but twas David.

I try push him off of me but he just keeps going. I start hitting him but he still keeps going. A loud piercing scream escapes my lips and he backs off. I jump out of bed and grip my stomach with both hands. This has to be a dream! I know I am not pregnant I have indeed a huge baby bump. Hands start tearing through my stomach and I continue to scream. A head pops through a huge hole in my stomach and I let out an ear piercing and room shaking scream.
End of dream

"Jessie!" I heard Nathan call as he shook me.

"Stop screaming." He put his hands over his ears.

I put my hand over my mouth and caught my breath. I was sweating and tears were in my eyes. Nathan gaped at me and I couldn't muster up the words to tell him I'm alright. He picked me up and carried me to the couch in the very nice beach house over looking the ocean, before rushing out to get the bags.

Now Nathan probably thinks he's mated to a crazy psycho with the lungs of a banshee. Slowly rising I walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I ran the sink water put my cup under it. I closed my eyes to calm myself and picked up the glass. A metallic and salty taste attacked my taste buds and I shot open my eyes to reveal a cup full of blood. I threw the glass and screamed again.

"Jessie what is wrong with you?" Nathan shouted pointing at the broken glass and puddle of water on the floor.

"I didn't...I-It was...." I stuttered before busting out crying.

"Shh... It's alright. Don't cry." Nathan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight bear hug.

He carried me upstairs and laid me on the bed. The bed dipped as his body laid down next to me. I turned to face him and started tracing his tattoo, my eyes completely red. His large hand stroked my head as he stared straight into my eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head yes.

"I had a dream that I was...having sex with David."

"David as in David and Chong?" I shook my head again.

"I thought he was you until he lifted his head. I tried pushing him off but he would get off. Then I felt an unbearable pain in my stomach so I let out a scream and he did. And when I stood up a baby was ripping it's way through my stomach." I flinched.

"So what happened in the kitchen?"

"I saw and tasted blood. But when you walked in it was water."

"Do you trust me?" He lifted my chin.

"Yes." I mumbled.

He slung me out of bed and onto his back. His legs moved so fast it was a blur. The constant whipping and fast approaching objects were making me sick. He rubbed my right legs before placing me on the ground in front of a large modern style house in the middle of the forest. Nathan bust threw the door without even knocking and yelled.

"Where the hell is Dean?!" he roared.

"I'm right here." A guy my complexion came from around the corner of a doorway.

"I need your help."

"What's wrong?" His face turned into worry.

"My mate is having hallucinations." He pulled me from behind him.

"Come dear child." He stuck his arm out and beckoned me forward.

He walked me to the back room and Nate followed. Something was fishy about this situation but I just couldn't put my finger on it. He asked my about hallucinations and I told him the same thing I told Nathan. He stuck and needle in my arm and watched the red blood flow through it.

"She's human?" Dean whisper yelled.

"You can't smell it?" Nate scoffed.

A woman with glowing red eyes ran into the room with her fangs ejected. Nate crouched down in front of me and exposed his claws. An elderly woman was trying to pull the girl out of the room but she ripped from her grip and sized up Nathan.

"If you don't want to die I suggest you leave. NOW!" Nate hissed out through his teeth.

"Nate. I never would have thought in a million years that you're a juice box lover." Her English accent teased.

"Nate. Baby it's fine. We don't have to fight we can just leave." I grabbed his arm.

"Awwe Nathan you should listen to the juice box she speaks reason." She walked closer.

"Come any closer and I'll rip you apart." Nathan growled from within his throat.

"I always loved it when you spoke that way in bed." She chuckled, her eyes set on me.

"Says the slut." He spat.

She screamed and rushed towards Nate. He grabbed her by her throat and lifted her high in the air before slamming her back down on the hard tile floors causing a dent. I felt very nauseous I got up and tried to walk to the bathroom but instead I slowly blacked out, hitting the floor with a hard thud.

I opened my eyes to see Nate glaring at me with a deadly look. What did I do now? He was holding a stick in his hand with a purple cap. I sat up and saw I was naked. Was I dreaming again?

"You have a lot of explaining to do." He glared at me.

"Ok... what am I explaining." I smiled at him.

"How you got pregnant." He tossed me the pregnancy test.

Hey guys! I'm finally hooome. Please enjoy this lovely update. This chappy is dedicated to all of my lovely readers. I have practice after school tomorrow so I may not be able to update, and if I do it will be a late one. Alright Adiós and please...



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