Gender Reveal

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(A/N Hey guys it's me I'm finally back. I've just been having some really bad writer's block lately well up until today. And a lot of stressful things have been going on so I just wanted to apologize for my absence and I hope you all love this chapter I've written for you. Love you!)

     The last couple of days have been most stressful. Nathan has been very cautious about every single thing. I can't walk outside and sniff the fresh air with out him at my side. I mean don't get me wrong I love my husband but I need some alone time. We are currently in the car on our way to a meeting on the whole war situation. After hours of driving we finally got to our destination and inside the building. As we waited for everyone to show up I thought I'd be the perfect opportunity to talk to Nate about what's going on.

"Nate this has been going on for far and I know nothing about it." I leaned forward in my seat.

"And you will continue to know nothing about it. I'm not going to tell you about these things and have you stressed out. It's not good for you and it's not good for the baby." He spoke nonchalantly as he tapped away on his phone. 

"Nathan!" I snapped my finger loudly, making him jump.

"What?" He looked up at me.

"Can we be real for a minute, I've been through a lot with you. And you think that some dumb war will stress me out? If I should be stressed I would have been stressed a long time ago." I jumped out of my seat.

"We are not doing this here, now sit your pretty little butt down someone's coming." He pursed his lips at me. 

     I sat down and scoffed causally tossing him dirty looks. He put his phone away and sat up straight, sliding a little bit closer to me. I smacked a fake smile on my face and folded my hands on top of the table. In walked Omi Jenkins and his wife Fiona, Fiona had porcelain skin, fiery red hair, and a gorgeous figure. Omi on the other hand looked like a sack of potatoes, his brown toupee and round shape made them look like the number 10 as they waltzed in. Nathan stood and shook his hand while Fiona scooped me up into a bear hug. 

"Jessie look at you! You look great I can tell Nate is treating you well." She smiled as she looked Nathan up and down.

"You better believe it." He chuckled and looked at her before turning back to Omi. In my mind I was going off! What the heck was that all about, but I kept my calm.

     Nathan felt my demeanor change and quickly focused his attention on me. He walked over and laced his hand with mine. Everyone else slowly but surely filled the room and the meeting started. Omi and the rest of the alphas greeted everyone before speaking on the matter. I looked over at Nate as he looked very professional with his dark grey suit, white shirt and peach tie that matched my dress. His jaw would tighten when he would get frustrated so I'd periodically rub his knuckles with my thumb. 

"Halloway what do you say we just apologize to her colony and just forget about this whole thing. This war could stop a lot of husbands from coming back home to their families." Leland, the alpha of the Kilona Wolves pack reasoned. 

"Apologize? That crazy bitch almost killed my pregnant wife and would have if I didn't come home soon enough!" Clenched his jaw.

"Halloway you don't understand this could kill a lot of our men. Her people are strong savage rouges who will kill anyone without even thinking about. I don't think that I want that for my pack." 

"May I say something?" I interuppted. 

"No." Nathan growled.

"Go ahead Luna." Leland smirked.

"Wasn't your mate pregnant about 2 months ago?" I looked him dead in the eyes.


"And say your ex-lover came and tried to kill her while she was carrying Derrick. You'd want to kill everything in it's path and scorch the earth am I wrong?"

"No, but.."

"But nothing Leland. I don't understand how the situation would be any different. You'd be right here in this very room pleading for people to help you out and they would without thinking about it. So why the hell does my husband get treated any different!" I raised my voice.

"Mrs. Halloway please calm down we want to help your husband b..."

"Then help him dammit! There are no if, ands, and buts about it! Just help my husband in this war. How can all of you sit in here and call yourselves alphas when you're acting like pitiful lap dogs!" I slammed my hands down on the table and Nate squeezed my thigh. The room fell silent

"I guess this silence means that you all will be an ally. Nathan will be scheduling another meeting on further actions. Thank you for your time." I spat, gave a pointed stare to everyone and left hand in hand with Nathan. 

      He grabbed my car door and pulled it open for me before jogging around to his side of the car. The car ride was to the next meeting with the vampires. He looked at me briefly before turning back to the road. My blood was boiling but I slowly calmed myself, he pulled up to the location and I got out of the car. He rushed to my side and I stared up at him, he leaned down and kissed my forehead. We walked inside and everyone turned their attention to us. I ignored it and sat down in a seat next to Nate. 

"Ompri Halloway and Ompriss Halloway, nice of you to show up to a meeting you adjourned." Ompri Kelly Dickens sassed.

"Excuse me are we here to discuss a serious matter or be petty? Because I don't think we just drove 2 hours to arrive at a cheap ass villa to be sassed by an irrelavent blood sucker." I snapped.

"Excuse my wife she's a little snappish being in her condition." Nathan rubbed my stomach and I looked up at him. 

"We discussed everything in your absence and we've decided that we are going to help you in your situation but under one sercomestance...kill Randy." Ompri David Keegan spoke.


"Who's Randy?" I asked with a dumbfounded look plastered on my face.

"He's a demon who terrorizes the East gates of Gordenvilla. No man has dared to mess with him and he's killing off our men. If Nathan can beat him then we will support him 100%." Keegan answered.

"Oh no no no! Absolutely freakin not!" I snapped.

"Baby do you trust me?"

"Trust has nothing to do with this! I refuse to let my child grow up not knowing his or her father because you went and got yourself killed." 

"Our baby won't grow up without a father." I looked at him and then back at the Ompries. I shook my head before returning my gaze to the ground. 

     We rode down towards the east gates and Nathan jumped out of the car. He removed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. I pulled him into me and kissed him as if this was the last time I'd ever see him. He pulled away and kissed my belly before walking towards Randy. I jumped back in the car and watched as he fought him. Tears fell from my eyes as I watched in terror. 

      He gripped Nathan by the throat and repeatedly punched him in the face. My heart broke with every punch and I slowly felt our bond weaken. He was dying! Randy stopped hitting him and Nate laid there with most of his black blood scattered everywhere. I cried and held my stomach as I looked at his limp body. Suddenly he slowly stood on his feet and mustered up enough strength to kill Randy. I ran out of the car and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my body and whispered in my ear.

"I told you our son wouldn't grow up without a father."


Hey guys! Just a little side note I made up the word Ompri it is pronounced AHM-PREE, it's just another word for Vampire. But uhm I hope you enjoyed the chapter and oh yeah.... IT'S A BOY!

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