Chapter 4

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Matt's POV
Today is a big day. Its Marie's birthday!!!!!! Last night she slept on the couch again so when she was asleep, I picked her up and put her in my bed while I played the beginning of my plan for her surprise birthday party.


Step1: Put Marie in my room. (Done)

Step2: Blow up balloons and quietly put them in the room. (Out of breath, but done)

Step3: Finish wrapping her present.(wrapped and done)

Step4: Make sure everyone that is coming is still going. (Chris texted back very quick, but everyone texted back saying yes and done)

Step5: Make her a perfect pancake breakfast. (Messy but done)

Step6: Wake up!

Marie's POV
I'm asleep right now just dreaming about me in a dog world. I know stupid right. Well I'm just sleeping with out a care in the world, then all of a sudden a horn noise goes off. It was frigen Matt with an air horn.

"Happy 19th birthday Bestie!!" Matt screamed jumping on the bed I mysteriously got into, and still blowing the air horn.

" dude calm down!" I laughed getting up and hugging him. "How did I get in your room?"

"I carried you in here. By the way you are heavier then you look girl." He replied letting go of the hug and getting off the bed. "Come on downstairs I got more surprises all day!" He was so excited he grabbed my hand and dragged me off the bed.

Pop pop pop

"Ahhhh! Omg that scared the shit out of me!" The balloons on the floor that I didn't notice started to pop.

"Hahaha sorry Marie I forgot about the balloons." He just stood there laughing. But then just took me downstairs.

We get down stairs and I see a banner, some confetti on the floor, and a stack of pancakes. It looked amazing! I walked over to them and get yelled at.

"Happy birthday Marie!!" Yelled Matt's parents jumping from behind the island in the kitchen.

"Thank you!" I say going over to them and hugging them.

"A... Your like the daughter we never had! Its like yesterday we met you for the first time. Surprisingly that was the day you were born. Three months after Matthew." Said Matt's dad.

"I actually feel like you are my real parents. You took me in when my parents are the worst. That is all I wanted and you all granted that thank you!" I say letting go of the hug.

"Well of course your family here before breakfast that I slaved making for you," We both laughed a little. "Take my parents gift right now you'll get mine later we have to drive to get it." Matt said as his parents handed me a long, thin, square, box.

I take it thanking them and open the box. I take the beautiful batman (of course) wrapping paper of and then open the box. I take a piece of paper out.

"What's this?" I smile excited not knowing what it is.

"It is your birth certificate.......your my new sister!" Matt says with joy.

I sit in shock. "Ahhh. Omg you guys are the best!!!! Wait? How..w.w.w.what how did my parents agree?!!!" I ask going in and out of a group hug.

'We threatened them to sink our teeth into them if they didn't. Sorry." Replied my new mom.

"I don't care you guys are the best thank you.....Mom, Dad, and big bro." I say going back into the group hug, it sucks how I'm shorter.

"K now eat you breakfast and I'll take you to my gift." Says Matt as he handed me a plate full of pancakes and syrup.

It was delicious.

Chris's POV
I'm doing as I usually do at night which is to try and to control my werewolf instinct. Great I'm 19 and yet don't know how to take control yet. I was slow I mean all three of my sisters and one brother already learned, but I am the runt. I'm in our room while everyone is asleep and try to take things slow at first.

I couldn't stop thinking of Matt his hair was also in a beanie. But what was with his eyes, was it my imagination or was it his way of blushing. His skin was so soft and cold. I wish he could rap.....wait I just met him I can't fall for him.

I get an early early text from Matt asking if everyone is coming. My heart beat was fast but i calmed down a bit.I replied right a way yes. Then a few minutes later other people replied yes. I see another boy he answered yes. I couldn't tell who it was but, I forgot a present to get before I left the mall.

"Little ass, where you going?" Asked my only brother, Herman. As the runt I get picked on but my one sister, Lillian/Lily, always protected me.

"Stop calling him an ass Herm!" Lily said trying not to wake up, Lucy and Bailey.

"Ya shut up I just forgot to get my friend a bday present for her today. Please Herm don't tell mom or dad and I'll give you my...?" He cuts me off.

"You'll give me your favorite football, in that case over there." He points to my first football I ever chewed with my werewolf pup.

"Really?" He nods, "Ugh I'm going to regret this fine here." I give him my key to get it out and he let me leave.

I get to Walmart at 2 in the morning. My tail kept trying to get out of my pants but I did my best of keeping it hidden. I look in the video game area. By the outfit she got I can tell she likes killing games. So I bought her a ____________ for her new apartment. I paid went back home wrapped it and went straight to bed and fell asleep.

Hey guys sry WiFi was down no Wednesday book I'm so sry, but ya. Anyways thx for reading. What did Chris buy for Marie? And who was the other guy? Find out in other chapters. Lolol. Ment to publish earlier.
K boi gay baes.

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