Chapter 16: Back to The Kindergarten

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This is bad! Very very very bad! How could I let this happen?! Im sorry, I guess I should tell you why im "freaking out" as humans say.

Garnet, Amethyst and I were playing a game named "Hide and seek" and the concept was simple. Someone had to count an amount of seconds to allow the other players to hide and then, when finished counting, the person goes and tries to find the other players. Amethyst had suggested to play after talking to some children from the humans side.

And for us gems that was a bit too simple, so we added something. We allowed shape shifting. Yes I can shape shift too but back at Homeworld Pearls weren't allowed to. I wasn't planning on shape shifting so I decided to be the seeker. Plus if Garnet were to seek she would use her future vision and Amethyst would probably cheat by looking at where we were hiding so I volunteered to seek.

I started counting in my head and while doing so I was listening to where they could be moving. And then I heard Amethyst shout.

"Gem monster!" she shouted and pointed to the far side of the beach. Gems summoned their weapons and others hid. Rose was the first to rush towards the beach with her shield ready. Garnet and I had also rushed towards the others. We didn't see a gem monster. While others were shouting and talking I heard the warp pad activate.

Garnet turned her head and right before the light dissapeard on the warp pad we could see Amethysts figure changing to particles. Garnet reached her hand out, "Amethyst no!"

We ran towards the warp pad and just stared. "She left! She's gone! She-" I gasped. "She distracted me! So she can leave to, well I dont know where!" Garnet held her head, "Shh I'm trying to see where she warped to." "Haha! Yes! Your future vision! You can find where-" she shushed me again. "Alrighty then... Carry on." I waited for a few seconds and then Garnet had the most upset face I had ever seen. "What? Where is she?" Garnet looked down at me, "She went to the kindergarten." "What?! Why?!" She raised her arms, "How would I know?! I have future vision not mind reading powers!" "Well let's go then!" I shouted.

We stood on the warp pad and Garnet warped us to the kindergarten. The moment we got there Garnet jumped down from the warp. I followed close behind her. "She has to be around here. She couldn't have gone too far."

I heard metal banging. I turned to one of the drills and saw Amethyst kicking one of the legs. I tapped Garnets arm and she turned to her as well. "Amethyst!" we said in unison. We ran towards her. "Why did you run off?" I asked her. Amethysts looked at the drill, then she looked at the holes on the side of the mountain. Garnet took a step forward "Amethyst?"

"Why was I made?" Amethyst asked looking at Garnet and I. I looked at Garnet and back at Amethyst. "A long time ago, Gems from our Homeworld came to Earth to create-" Garnet continued my sentence, "-Parasites. The were made to create more damage on Earth but Diamond decided to quit the project. You were one of the early results."

Amethyst looked at her gem and put her hand over it. "I was supposed to destroy this world?" Garnet and I nodded. "Yes but you were different! You weren't like the others!" Garnet added to what I was saying, "You are special." A smile grew on Amethysts face. "Just like Pearl then?" I was about to say something but then I felt Garnet touch my shoulder and she spoke.

"Yes. Just like Pearl."

Hello again! Im sorry that it was a short one today. I hope you enjoyed it though. School starts soon and im super nervous cause im going to 8th grade >·< and I have a question for you guys. When do you start school? Are you excited, nervous? And if you already entered school then how's it going? I'd like to know that im not the only one freaking out haha

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