Take it, or leave it.

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She's beautiful, as everyone knows. Talented. Her voice is like an angel, specially when singing. Without any effort, she can make people like her. And she's my mom. And I, as a daughter, of course I'm proud, my mom is popular. Everyone in the school feels envy to me 'cause Annie Morales is my mom.

But, that's what they like, to have a popular mother that the half of the world is praising, performing at an enormous stage, having a major concerts, receiving innumerable awards, and making people entertained. I don't like it, I HATE it. She even forgets that she has a daughter, and she is a wife, I don't hear my dad complaining about it but I feel it, that he is always so upset not a having a dinner with her. 

It's not just about it. I hate the fact that people are expecting something from me. "Oh you must be a good singer, your mom is a singer and so you are." and this "You must be beautiful and cool like your mom, she's great!", and "I watch your mom last night and she's like a catwoman, dancing and singing and everything, bet you can also do it". Darn! Yes, my mom, always. As if the world isn't revolving when not talking about her. I hope I can do anything not because my mom can do, but because I really can. 

One day, there's an audition in our school for the concert, an enormous concert because we will be celebrating the 50th year foundation of our school, so everyone is expecting to meet alumni in every batch, and that includes my mom. So, I guess this is the right time to  show what I've got. I grab the opportunity but.. Unfortunately, I'm not included, I can't make people proud, even my mom.

That brings a great impact to me, I didn't even make it to the auditon? Am I that poor that they not even allow me to be one of the background singers or dancers? What will everyone says if they knew it? I didn't like my mom, that I'm not her daughter cause I didn't inherit her talents, that's prejudiced. Or maybe I inherit my dad's, he's boring, he is a nerd. 

I can't handle the result. When I get home, I run to my room, crying. I can't tell dad about that, I can't even tell it to my friends cause they will laugh at me, and they will know it tomorrow anyways. I don't eat my dinner, I just want my mom to comfort and explain to me why this has to happen. So, I call her.

Needless to say, I'm so helpless. My mom doesn't answer my calls, she is always busy. I just cry and wait my eyes to shut. 

I'm in a beautiful garden, many butterflies are flying. I don't remember this whereabouts, that I escape to my room. I think I'm hallucinating. Indescribable stardust, I don't know what's happening but I know I'm happy right know.

And then, there's a fairy. A beautiful fairy. This is odd, I'm old enough to dream of a fairy but this gives me comfort, and the fairy speaks calling my name. "You're physically happy, but emotionally not." says the fairy. "Indeed." is all I can say. "So beautiful young lady, what do you want? I know you have a problem, and what do you think is the best thing that might happen?" I feel excited, I'm giddy.

"I don't want my mom to be popular, I want her to be a normal person, I want my life to be normal." 

"Are you sure?"


And it's morning again.

I open my eyes not knowing where I am. I don't want to move and my muscles are aching, I'm lying on a hard matress. Have no choice but to wake up, I want to cry and try to reminicse what happen last night. 

"It's true!" And my tears are falling without my authority. 

"Diane! What is happening there? Just stand up and prepare my breakfast!"

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