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I woke up alone in my bed and I looked around my bedroom, searching for Maeve. I could have sworn she was here when I fell asleep.

I dismissed my thoughts and continued getting ready for my day at school. I would need to leave soon if I wanted to get there on time since my house was at least a half hour away.

I still had an hour before class started so I decided that I had time to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom as a large yawn escaped me and I lifted my arms into a stretch. I passed by my mirror and almost peed myself when I saw my reflection. I temporarily forgot that my hair was blonde, it was a huge change.

I breathed deeply and tried to slow my heart rate as I looked at myself in the mirror. This bleach blonde hair was definitely going to take some getting used to.

After using the toilet, I pulled my hair into a bun and got into the shower. I washed my body and avoided getting my hair wet since I wasn't sure if I should wash freshly dyed hair. Clara hadn't told me anything.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body before walking back into my room and finding something to wear. I decided on some regular jeans and a dark grey knit sweater. The sweater was a little baggy on me, but that was good since the weather was getting colder as we got into October. I pulled on my brown leather boots and made my way downstairs.

When I walked through the doorway of the kitchen, I jumped back with a small gasp at the sight of someone lying on the counter with a half-eaten bowl of Cheerios next to them. They were sleeping soundly with a slight snore and I quietly walked over to the unmoving body.

I poked her. "Maeve, wake up."

She didn't move and if anything, her snoring got louder. I poked her a little bit harder and she shot up.

"What? I'm up. It was an accident." Her hair was standing up in every direction and she had dried drool across her cheek. I almost laughed at her confused state.

"Why are you on the kitchen counter?" I asked her.

She looked around as if just realizing where she was. She stared at the floor with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"I wanted a late night snack." She mumbled.

"Okay, why don't you go back to bed?" I helped her off of the counter and gestured to the staircase as if she were a child.

She shuffled out of the room with her eyes half closed and I continued on with my morning routine. Next on my agenda was fruity pebbles. Fifteen minutes later I was in my car and on my way to the school.

After my longer than usual drive, I pulled into the parking lot. Earlier, I had pulled my hair into a side braid and applied my regular eye liner and burgundy lip stick.

I grabbed my backpack and started making my way through the parking lot. Since I was a little bit later because of my long drive, all of the close parking spaces were taken. I finally made it into the building and I started on my way to first period.

Entering the classroom I noticed that a lot of people were already seated, so I assumed the first bell had rung. I walked over and sat beside Madison. She kept her gaze on her desk and her hands were clasped together in her lap.

"Hey Maddie." I smiled. She glanced at me and did a double take when she saw my hair.

"Oh my god, Melanie!" Her eyes were wide and she reached over and pulled on the end of my braid.

I laughed. "Yeah, it's different."

"It's blonde!" She sat back and stared at me. "What made you want to dye it?"

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