[ chapter fifteen: a trip to grandma's ]

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Chapter 15: A Trip to Grandma's

"I have a favor to ask of you," my mother announced as she entered the living room.

My mother rarely asks for favors and when she does, they're very tedious and obnoxious. My sister immediately perked up. "Who are you asking?" she inquired.

"All of you," my mother responded.

I immediately sighed. "What is it?" I inquired, mentally preparing to have to clean the house from top to bottom.

"Your grandmother needs some help around the house and I have to leave for work soon, so you need to go and help her out," my mother explained. Not even halfway through her sentence, groans filled the room. Not only is our grandmother a bit crazy, she's two hours away. "Come on, it's not that bad. You just have to help her clean and talk to her a bit."

"Mom, she's crazy," my brother announced. "She still thinks we're children."

"She wouldn't think that if you'd visit her more often," my mom retorted. "Start getting ready. She's expecting you guys."

I got up slowly, mumbling unhappily. Every time I visit, she asks me about my love life, or lack thereof, never failing to mention how she met my grandfather when she was my age. Avery never gets harassed about her relationships, probably because my grandmother knows that she's been in a few of them. She doesn't even ask about Leo and Leo is just as behind as me. He's been in one relationship before and it lasted a few months. I sighed as I trudged to my room, emotionally preparing for the treatment I'd have to face at Grandma's house.

When my two siblings were ready to go, we left the house. Phoenix was leaning against our car as we exited and I quirked an eyebrow. "Shotgun," my brother called as Avery unlocked the doors. Phoenix opened the door for me and I got into the car, watching as he followed after me.

"Who invited you?" Avery asked jokingly. Phoenix laughed, rolling his eyes. "No, seriously, you're friends with both of them."

Leo scoffed and looked at our sister. "I did," he responded.

I glared at my sister in the mirror, watching her wink. Way to set the mood, Avery.

+ + +

"Hi, Grandma," my siblings and I greeted dully as we entered her familiar home. She held the door open for us, smiling and greeting us cheerfully.

"How have you all been?" she asked, hugging us and kissing our cheeks. She didn't stop when she reached Phoenix. In fact, she even went as far as to mess up his hair. "You've gotten so big since the last time I've seen you."

I rolled my eyes. "Grandma, you saw him last year," I told her and she looked at me.

"Grace," she smiled at me. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She didn't even bother to ask how I've been.

Leo snorted, covering it up with a cough before pointing to the bathroom. He walked towards it, chuckling quietly as he went. I glared at his back before turning to my grandmother. "No, grandma, I don't."

"Why not?" she asked me. "You know, I was with your grandfather when I was your age."

"Yes, Grandma, I know you were," I sighed as my face grew hot. Avery and Phoenix were both staring at me, but I didn't even dare to look at them. I focused my attention on my short grandmother who was standing in front of me with gray tendrils falling from her loosely tied up hair. Her blue eyes were staring at me through thick glasses and her tightlipped mouth was set in a line as she stared judgingly at me.

"It can't be that hard to find a guy, sweetheart. I'm sure there are plenty of handsome boys in your school. I mean, look at Phoenix here," my grandmother smiled at me while motioning to the boy beside me. I glanced at Phoenix out of the corner of my eye, who was smirking at me.

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