Chapter 1

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IMPORTANT: This // means the character is speaking in another language.

"EXITING LIGHTSPEED. EXITING LIGHTSPEED." The starship's computer repeated in a mechanical, female-like voice.

The lone occupant of the ship pulled on the controls, slamming her fist into the board a few times in frustration.

Suddenly, her ship slowed out of lightspeed and appeared in front of a large, blue and green planet.


//Why are we getting closer to that planet?! I did not order you to do so!//


//So, we're being forced in by the atmosphere, correct?//


She slumped against her seat and sighed as the planet grew closer.

• • • • •

A flaming ball of fire shot through the clear night sky, illuminating the entire area.

Many people across the land stepped outside to see the large 'shooting star', pointing and talking, trying to figure out what it was.

Their curiosity soon turned to fear as they realized it was getting closer, penetrating the planet's atmosphere in its plummet and steadily gaining speed.

A minute later, the strange projectile slammed into the Earth, a fiery explosion followed upon impact. Fire and smoke quickly rose into the dark, moonlit sky.

Hundreds of firefighters, police officers, news media outlets, and even civilians moved as fast as they could to the crash site.

• • • • •

The ship's pilot groaned, her eyes fluttering open. She was currently flat on the ground, her face in the tall grass. The starship she arrived in was burning a few meters away, setting the plants around them ablaze as well.

//W-Where am I?// She asked herself, trying to remember what happened.

Her ship had crashed into a large, open field, surrounded by a simple, wooden fence.

She slowly tried to stand, clutching her left arm as she did and yelped in pain. "X'il!" She exclaimed in her native language.

Eventually she did make it to her feet. She whimpered, fighting through the intense burning sensation in her right leg.

Behind her, a good distance away from the ship, a handful of civilian cars appeared on the nearby road.

"Anyone see anything?" A man asked as they all got out of their vehicles.

"Aside from that burning hunk of metal nothing."

A young woman, who was there with her husband, took a pair of binoculars out of the glove compartment and scanned the area. She could see the large, dark red colored metal object, the crater it created and the flames it's impact started. But, other than that nothing.

Wait! She thought, seeing movement next to the wreck. Zooming in as far as possible, she saw a girl. An orange-skinned girl...?

"Hey, I think I see someone..." She said aloud, drawing everyone's attention. "Over there in the tall grass."

"Let's go over there and check it out." Someone said, followed by a chorus of agreements.

• • • • •

The alien girl quickly scrambled towards her downed craft, taking hold of a disfigured slab of thick metal and tossing it aside as if it were nothing. She picked through the wreckage, searching for something --- anything! --- to help her. Suddenly, she heard a sound. Sounded like a being was moving through the grass. Multiple beings.

Curiosity overcoming her better judgement, she moved to the other side of her ship and peered through an opening to see outside. Her eyes widened when she saw the small beams of light waving around. And the beings holding them.

Don't let them catch you! Just run! A voice said from the dark recesses of her memory.

And run she did. As fast as her injured leg would allow, she stumbled and cursed her way towards the dense woodland area nearby.

• • • • •

"Hey, did you see that?!" A man said, pointing his flash light at what he could swear was the form of a retreating woman with long hair and odd skin.

"Yeah, I think I saw it too..." Another man said as they made it to the flaming ball of... something.

"What if she's hurt?" The woman from before said with worry.

Before any of them could talk more, the sound of helicopters filled the air, followed closely by sirens.

Overhead, a NBCLA news helicopter appeared shining a bright light and camera down on the civilians and shipwreck. With them were two police copters.

On the nearby road, a fleet of police cruisers, SUVs and even motorcycles pulled up, escorting a pair of ambulances.

"We gotta tell the cops about that girl." One of the men said, waving for everyone to follow him.

But the woman shook her head. "No, some of us should tell them but the rest of us need to try and follow her. She has to be hurt."

Nodding, the group split up.


Alright, explanation time! Gather round, peeps!

Okay, so you should know that I honestly never really liked Justin Bieber, his music especially. One day, I was sitting in my room, playing the iHeartRadio app on my tv and what song comes on? Backpack by Justin Bieber himself. Now, I was laying down at the time and the remote was too far away. I didn't realize it was him either. But while I was listening, I started to really like the story he told in the song about the alien and whatnot. Sooooo this here story that you're reading now weaved it's way into my weird mind...

Also, I based the character off the Tamaranean species from the DC Universe (Think Starfire/Koriand'r). Not entirely but you'll see a few obvious similarities.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this! Comments are welcomed and needed.

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