Author's Note

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You guys will hate me, I'm sorry.
So I'm making a lot of changes to this story. I don't like the first few chapters and I feel like I could do so much better than what I have right now. For starters, I'm going to delete the Prologue. That thing is just pushing readers away. But if I did that, I would somehow have to add the whole car accident scene in. So give me a few days to make some changes. I know I don't update often and I'm really sorry, but I don't have all the time in the world; the only time I can write is at night, unfortunately.
I've already changed Chapter 3, which was the scene with Ray on Lola's birthday. I've also finally edited the third-person chapters, so they're now in first-person. I'm going to read this whole book over and just completely change a lot of stuff, and I'll give you guys an update on what I've changed and if you should read it or not. I'll try not to make it too much to have to re-read, but I'd just want you guys to get the idea.
I'm really sorry about all of this, but it's not easy having to update and not being able to go back and change things because you have readers knowing exactly what's happening. But I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS!!!
If you guys have any criticism, please don't be afraid to tell me. I literally live off of it. If you guys think I tend to do something too much with my writing, tell me. Pretty much just tell me whatever you think of my writing, because it means so much to me when people take the time to help me improve how I write.
School is starting in a few days, and I don't have a lot of time. Please, you guys understand how hard it is to write during the school year, along with having drama rehearsal every day until 5:30 and homework. So I apologize for the lack of updating that's going to happen, and I also apologize for the amount of small fillers I'm going to be having come up soon. I need to pace the story more.
Thank you so much for giving this story a chance and for commenting and favoriting it. I guarantee it will get better, and this story will have a lot of drama in the end:)
Love you all,

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