Chapter 1

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It was my fault, Hannah thought as she got up from the floor. My fault. I shouldn't have asked her to wash anything or help me out. She's a queen and I'm the peasant. How stupid of me.

Hannah walks up the stairs and into her room. She touches the now black and blue bruise she has starting from her left eye to the bottom of her cheek. Hannah tries to cover it with concealer but the bottle is empty. She needs to get more before school tomorrow. Hannah glances at the clock. It's currently 11pm. None of my friends, or what's left of them, are likely to be outside.

Hannah's friends dropped like flies when she started lying about the bruises on her wrist. They couldn't stand the pain it caused them & she denied everything when they tried to take it to the cops.

Hannah grabs her hat, scarf, and glasses even though it's over 80 degrees out with no sun. She starts to walk to the nearest store, which is Dollar Tree. She's nearly there but as she's walking she notices her old friends, the ones that left her. She sprints to the back of dollar tree and hides, silently waiting for them to leave. They look happy, she says to herself. When they finally leave her sight she gets out of her hiding spot and starts to walk into the store.

"Wait! I forgot my bag!" She hears Samantha, her old friend, call out to the rest of the group. Samantha starts to run towards the store and Hannah panics. She starts to jog towards the janitors closet and hides inside. She takes a few steps back and ends up bumping into the wall. The wall grunts, making Hannah scream.

"Will you shut your mouth? I'm trying to sleep," a male voice speaks. Hannah reaches for the string to turn on the light, and when she does, she regrets it. As she turns around, she sees the one and only bad boy from her school, standing right in front of her.

"Niall," she gasps.

Hannah hears a click at the door and she tries to get out but it's locked. Niall laughs.

"See, now look what you've done."

"I-I-I'm sorry. I j-just came to buy something and-and I saw someone um hi," Hannah's words are jumbled like a game of jenga.

"Relax, relax. Hey it's like 100 degrees out and it's like 10 o'clock. Why do you have-" Niall takes off her glasses & scarf as he speaks and stops in the middle of his sentence.

"Bro, what the fuck happened to your face."

Millions of excuses run through Hannah's mind but she's like a deer in light. She can't say a word or move a muscle. Then she smiles.

"Oh this? Oh it was my fault. I-I ran into a door while it was opening. Yep, that's exactly what happened." She lies through her teeth.

Niall walks forward making her back up into the door. He stretches both of his arms beside her head and stares into her eyes.

"Why. The. Fuck. Are. You. Lying. To. Me?" He says angrily. Hannah begins to shake.


"That's a bruise you get when you get punched or kicked. I would know, I give many of them. So I'm going to ask you once, and once only. Who hit you?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't, but I'm curious."


Niall punches the metal door beside her head.

"Tell me!"

The door begins to unlock, "Hey who's in there?"

Hannah throws on her glasses and scarf. When the door opens she sprints out. Before leaving the store, she takes a look back and Nialls looking straight into her chocolate brown eyes.

Ashley Benson as Hannah

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