Journey: Isabelle

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As the cab stops, my sister Cleo jumps out, pulling me out after her. Jasper gives us a reproachful look through the tinted glass window.

"It'll be you soon, Jasper! Next year, you'll be old enough!" I try to console him, but he is refusing to be comforted.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Squeals Cleo unhelpfully.

She is bouncing up and down in an aimless way whilst I'm trying to do something practical by unloading our luggage. Dad helps me while Cleo is completely oblivious of our efforts. Mum goes round the taxi to try and calm her down.

"Calmez-vous, Cleo. You don't want to draw attention to yourself. You of all people should understand that."

Just like that, the smile froze on Cleo's face and then shattered. She looked as broken as she had been, four years ago when it happened. Like no amount of spell-o-tape could ever put her back together again. Mum put an arm round her.

"I didn't mean it like that..." she tried to say. "I shouldn't have said it, but you need to be so careful; particularly when we aren't able to be with you to protect you."

"Hogwarts is the safest place in the world!" I put in, recalling previous lessons.

"That may be true for now. For your sakes, I desperately hope so."

On that cheery note, we walked into the station. No one has any idea where the train is either. We walk around for a while, considering our options. Then dad caught a glimpse of a pack of red haired kids and their flame-haired mother shepherding them along.

"Quickly! After them! They're Weasleys!" he whispered, just loud enough to hear.

Me and Cleo just have time to give our family a quick hug before we need to dash off.We followed them till they stopped at the barrier between platforms 9 and 10. I clutch Cleo's hand and we watch curiously for their next move. Then one of the boys takes his trolley and runs towards the solid brick wall. We both gasp in shock and fear. Then he disappears. The Weasley mother looked around when she heard the noise with a curious look on her face. When she saw us though, she gave a warm smile and beckoned. Nervously, we inched forwards. We've never been this close to another witch in four years, ever since the Incident. So understandably, we were a little nervous.

"Come along dears! I won't bite! I'm Molly Weasley; these are Fred and George..."

She pointed in turn to each twin. They both had mischievous twinkles in their eyes that instantly told me that pranks were their life.


He was awkwardly tall and gangly like a matchstick with a tuft of orange on the top like his siblings.

"And Ginny."

Finally, she came to the only girl there. She was a little younger than me, but was very pretty with her auburn hair hanging long and loose around her shoulders. She had the same look of curiousness upon her face as her mother, but gave a smile as she was pointed out.

How interesting... To be one girl amongst so many brothers... Does she like being the youngest of so many? Is it tiring? I would be very tired if I had so many brothers... I'm happy with just one, thanks! It could be quite nice though, to have a big, tight-knit family... One that stuck together, no matter what... It was nice for me... till it all came crashing down... le mal ... la mort ... l'anéantissement...


Blearily, I became aware of my surroundings once more. Embarrassingly, I'd collapsed on the floor. I looked up and saw myself to be surrounded by red... no... red hair. Weasleys. Molly Weasley looked genuinely panicked by what had happened.

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