The Nut Job, the Pedophile, and the Other People

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  I stare around with wide eyes at the academy. It's huge!! There are common grounds, gardens, students walking around, and other stuff that I'm not used to seeing. The sun nearly makes me spontaneously combust into flames, so now I'm wearing a hat. Well, it just really hurts my eyes, but it's close enough, right? I shoulder my backpack, heading to what seems like the headmaster's office. There's a bridge I have to cross, and no one is at the gate, though it's open. I open the doors to the building, taking off my hat, and there's a bunch of students in a white uniform, sitting around, filling out papers, all looking older and taller than me. Am I in the right place? "Excuse me?" I ask a blond haired boy softly that standing near the door, leaning against the wall. He looks at me, and his eyes are a pretty ice blue. "What do you want? I don't have time for this-" He says irritably, but stops when he looks down at me carefully from all that paperwork he has. He's taller than me by a few inches. "'re cute."

  I swallow slightly, pretending not to hear. Me? Cute? I never really pay attention to my looks. I'm just a kid! "Um, where's the Headmaster's office?" I ask, backing up slightly when he steps closer to me, closing his eyes. "Her smells delicious." He sighs softly, and my eyes widen. He's a vampire?! He starts stepping closer and closer as I back up. The other students are to busy filling out papers to care. His mouth gets closer to my neck, and I can see a glint of fangs. If this wasn't so scary, I'd think they'd be pretty. Something smacks his head, and he gets knocked over, falling to the floor with the object.

  A boy with messy light-orange hair is standing there, holding a few textbooks, which I assume is what he threw at the blond boy. "Hanabusa, control yourself. It's only our second day here..." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "And now we have to make sure she doesn't remember any of this..." I'm shaking slightly. What does he mean by that?

  The boy named Hanabusa gets up, indignant. "HEY! Akatsuki, what was that for?!" He yells, rubbing his head. A pretty girl with brown hair steps in and starts arguing with them. I'm not sure whether I should quietly walk away now, or stay and watch. It's actually kind of funny. "What's with all the noise?" I hear a quiet voice sigh from the stairs. Immediately, everyone bows, and says, "Kaname-sama..." Kana who?

  Another boy with dark hair and dark eyes comes down the stairs. "There's no need for that everyone. Now what's going on?" He sees me, a slight furrow to his eyes. He's more beautiful than handsome, like everyone here.

  "Kaname sama, Hanabusa has been stirring up trouble again!" The girl, Ruka, I think, points at Hanabusa accusingly. "He nearly bit that human girl cowering in the corner over there!" I'm indignant now. I am not cowering! And I'm not human! I think I proved my existence as a vampire by going all psycho-vampire on Kazuya a few days ago! Kaname looks at me in curiosity, and I give a awkward wave. "Yep, er. Non-human girl, thank you very much, NOT cowering in the corner over here." I trip over on my words, and I hear a few whispers directed at me. Some say I'm being disrespectful, but most say I'm adorable. Why thank you?

  Can this get anymore awkward?

  Kaname's eyes study me curiously as he walks down the steps towards me. I shift back a bit uncomfortably when he gets a little bit too close, but he takes hold of my wrist, saying gently, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." I relax a bit as he studies me a little more. "Hm... So what brings you into the Moon Dormitory, Miss..."


  "Miss Hanako. It's not very safe here for girls like you, especially when there are creeps like that idiot over there wandering around."

  Hanabusa looks slightly indignant but says nothing. "Er... I was looking for a Headmaster Cross? I'm a new student here, and I don't know where to go." I bite my lower lip, chewing on it in slight embarrassment for getting lost. "And I can handle myself just fine..." I tack that on as a afterthought. I can. I was just startled when Hanabusa almost bit me. "Are you a Night student or a Day student?" He asks.

  "Er, I'm not sure? What's the difference?"

  "So probably the Day..."

  The door flies open and a odd looking man rushes in. "KANAME!! WHERE'S THAT FILE I ASKED YOU TO KEEP FOR ME TILL I NEEDED IT?!" The odd man screams in a childish tone. Everyone in the room sweat drops, and I hear one student say to Ruka, "That nut job is supposed to be our Headmaster?" He has the weirdest outfit I've ever seen a guy wear, and long hair tied into a ponytail. It's kinda funny. He stops as he sees me, and his glasses glint in the sunlight that is shining in through a window. "Are you the new student, Hanako Tsuchikoya?" He asks suddenly. "Kamiya." I correct, not wanting Kazuya's last name. I take my real father's instead.

  "Night or Day?"

  I get frustrated now. "What's the difference between the Night class and Day class?!" I groan, feeling confused. They go into a long explanation about vampires and humans and having to wipe my mind if I am a human, and most students are now going back to their dorm rooms to do the paperwork. Only a few remain in the common room thing. "I'm a vampire?" It comes out as a question. Hanabusa, who's sitting on a couch, listening in, says, "You sure don't look like a vampire to me!" I glare at him, crossing my arms. "Is that supposed to be offensive or something?" I huff, sticking my tongue out at him when he refuses to answer.

  The Headmaster looks slightly amused, and asks why I sounded like I didn't know if I was a vampire. I tell him the whole story of what happened a few days earlier with Kazuya and my surprising attack. I can see from the corner of my eye that students from the Night class are listening in on us, but I don't care if they hear. I do leave out parts about Kazuya talking about my father though. All I say is that I got really mad at him. All I can think about now is that if my eyes hurt in the sun and can't really go out during the day, how am I going to garden? If there even is a empty garden in this place.... Maybe I should ask later, when all of this is sorted out?

  "Well, it sounds like someone sealed your vampire genes, and that your rage unlocked your vampire side..." Kaname muses, looking thoughtful. The Headmaster coughs, saying that he'll send my uniform to me later after I give him my size, and I feel awkward. Looking at the floor, I can feel all eyes on me. Was it this embarrassing before? 

  "Er, sir?" I ask the Headmaster.


  "Do you have a spare garden here?"


  I'm slightly disappointed, but shrug it off. "But you can plant your own garden if you can find the time and materials and space to do so. Most of the space has been filled up though. It's allowed, we just don't see students gardening." I perk up, smiling. "Arigato!" I grin, and Headmaster smiles at me, and says he has to go. He leaves, and I can hear Kaname musing about my education, since I've been ignorant of my existence as a vampire all these years.

  "Well, since you're new at this, I suppose that I'll be the one to teach you all about the vampire basics, and history." Hanabusa sighs dramatically walking casually toward me with a smirk on his face. I sweat drop, backing away from his closing in figure. "Er, no thanks, er. Kaname.... Kaname-chan? Can I get someone else to-eek!" I squeal in surprise when an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me away from Hanabusa, like that hook thing they use to pull people away from the stage, and Kaname holds a arm out to stop him from coming any closer. I hear people gasp in surprise at my use of honorifics to Kaname. Hey, I barely know the guy. And he looks like he's a few years older than me. It sounds weird to call him 'chan' anyways. I'm not going to be using that anytime soon. "I'll ask you to stop terrifying the poor, please. It's her first day here." Kaname says pleasantly to Hanabusa, but his tone is low and scary.

  "Don't worry, Kaname! I got this covered!" A cheerful voice says, and I turn. It's another boy, but with green eyes and blonde hair. How many guys are in this place? Is he a flirt or pedophile too? He doesn't seem like it. You never know, though. His eyes sparkle cheerfully, and his happiness is almost infectious. "My name is Takuma Ichijo! What about you?" He asks, letting me go, and holds out a hand to me. I shake it, saying, "Hanako Kamiya." He seems pretty enthusiastic and bright. After discussing with Kaname about my education, he grabs my hand and drags me away, chattering happily about manga?

  "Now as for you, Aido..." I can hear a loud slap sound from behind me, and look behind just to see Hanabusa being backhanded hard by Kaname. His head whips back, and Kaname scolds him. Takuma notices I stop because when he pulls, I am still, and smiles at me with a amused expression. I think I like this school, weirdness aside.

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